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posted on Jan, 5 2003 @ 12:27 PM
Is there an NWO resistance movement?

posted on Jan, 5 2003 @ 12:38 PM
Possibly, but none that I no of.

posted on Jan, 5 2003 @ 05:23 PM
well small groups mostly religous oppose globilization and the nwo

posted on Jan, 6 2003 @ 12:32 AM
socialists are always taking part in these movements.


posted on Jan, 6 2003 @ 12:36 AM
Not that I know of.

posted on Jan, 6 2003 @ 12:40 AM
Oh don't spoon feed us that crap ech...socialists only use that "FIGHT THE WORLD ORDER" slogan to rally people behind their world order.

The only way communism//socialism will ever become predominant in its true form is THROUGH revolution, and any thing that must be gained by fighting yourself is never a "good" thing.

Look at Napoleon, Lenin, Mao, Ho Chi Min.

In the American revolution we fought against what became a foriegn power, but what socialist//communist revolutionaries try to do is get you to revolt against a local power. As if I were to go and blow of the governor's head, and declare nevada communist, and all peoples equal...yeah...that's a crappy idea.

Even the website's name is an abomination.

"NewYouth"???? Didn't we learn anything from Hitler?

First step in brainwashing a society is "DOWN WITH THE OLD FARTS, YOU YOUTH ARE IMMORTAL GODS! FOLLOW ME TO MOUNT OLYMPUS!!!!!!!!"

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posted on Jan, 6 2003 @ 12:51 AM
Well I've read enough of "newyouth" and it's lies.

Go to "Russia" link and read the second item, where they so quickly bash the Inaguration of President Putin.

They even went so far as to complain about a 21 gun salute, saying it was too "pomp" when here in america we like to honor even the clod hopping farmer whom laid down his life for his country, with a 21 gun salute. Or that 7 gun three times thing.....

...And then they threw in the "head of the russian orthodox church" in there as if he were a bad guy, yeah, as if he'd been allowed there in the Soviet Union!

Then they dare to compare this to the revolution in France, with Napoleon, when they should be comparing napoleon to the revolution in russia!!!

Then they go on to say in another article, actually they just took trotsky's article and put it on their website, and trotsky was saying that the Soviet Union had proven that socialist economies are better than capitalists, and that capitalists didn't want to admit it.

No I guess he wrote that before they couldn't even feed their populations. If it weren't for America buying all of the cheap chinese crap, they'd be starving too!

Some interesting statistics

"Wages down for high school dropouts 23%"
Yeah, we should be giving those ignorant and lazy bastards raises!
"Unemployment rates in inner city America is between 30% and 50%"
Laughable figure, 1/25 americans whom are of working age, are looking for work, so I doubt that 90% of them are all in the inner cities! There is some trickery of the figures here

"Ninety-one percent of employers, when faced with employees who want to join together in a union, force employees to attend closed-door meetings to hear anti-union propaganda; 80% require immediate supervisors to attend training sessions on how to attack unions; and 79% have supervisors deliver anti-union messages to workers they oversee."
I'd like to see where they pulled this out of their butt, yes unions are not as strong now-a-days, but only because they are not really needed, though due to recent economic decline they may again become popular...

"NONE of these bombings have led to a "democratic" government even though this was more often than not the reason given for the aggression."
They should reassess their analysis

"The World Health Organization claims the biggest killer in the world today is not cancer or any other disease but �deep poverty�. "
I guess they haven't heard of "AFRICA", the land where all the money of the world couldn't save

"In the United States the richest society in the whole of human history, 32 million people were living below the poverty line in 1988 (this was at the height of a 1980�s boom) and nearly one in five children were born into poverty."
Two things, in Rome the city itself they had about 3 homeless people to every person who slept in a bed, and worked. It is simply the size of population....2nd thing is only in america can you find FAT POOR PEOPLE!!!! So things mustn't be THAT bad...

"Catholic Charities said that the number of meals they provided nationwide in 1996 had increased by 16%, and nights people spent in shelters increased 35%."
I urge the reader to do research to see if they can't find any socialist propganda "against" catholicism, nothing smells like rats other than those whom use as legitimate sources on one page, then call the turds on the next! Besides, the Catholic church mostly feeds its own people...after sucking their own people dry of money for cathedrals.

"In Britain one in three children grow up in poverty (defined as being half the average wage), and one in five households have no breadwinner."
This has to be the best one because Britain is a Socialist nation

"In 1992 the total economic output of the whole world was five times what it was in 1950, yet poverty is worse than what it was 45 years ago."
Maybe what this really says, is progress will lead to our ruin, so not communism nor capitalism can save us there, because both are hell bent on out producing the whole world.

"Work [within the capitalist paradigm] is a major cause of stress and of 5000 office workers surveyed in 16 countries by the Financial Times said that there stress levels had risen in the last two years."
Yeah wouldn't want work interrupting our productivity!

"Americans now work an average of 164 more hours annually than 20 years ago that amounts to about a month more at the work place."
Yeah well we still are the only ones to have made it to the moon, we'll probably need to put in a further 40 hours annually to get to mars, come on almost there!

"People in the Eastern bloc in 1989 were promised a better deal under capitalism but five years later the living standards have been cut by 40 or 50 percent."
That's because all the old soviet built housing began to spontaneously explode. Old gas lines and such, and the soviets sadly left the eastern bloc with no infrastructure to look into it before those sad accidents occured

"The Wall Street Journal just put out the 1997 Index of Economic Freedom. The two winners who they give their highest accolades to? Singapore and Bahrain. Right-wing Fascist police states where unions are outlawed."
I don't know anything of Bahrain but HOW can they say anything such as that of Singapore? Singapore is one of the most culturally diverse and tollerant nations on earth, albiet strict social laws, where they cain you for chewing gum

"The 3 richest people in the US have a combined wealth equal to more than 115 million ordinary working class Americans."
And they deserve every penny, hell one of them "Bill Gates" only helped to further an opperating system, of which most of us are on right now, that made industry explode by leaps and bounds.

"Two billion people world wide live below the bread line in third world countries."
I honestly will bet my life that most of those people live in nations either controlled directly by Islam, indirectly by Islam, south america, and Africa...wanna know what they almost all have in common? Religious zealism...all but Africa, which has a natural problem of pestilence.

"13 percent of the national income for the US is devoted to the system of health care, which is far less efficient than the health service of Britain, where only 5 percent of the national income is devoted to the health service. This is because the US health service is a profit making business."
If you've read far enough through my sludge, I'd actually like to commend them on this one...even crap can sometimes have a diamond ring in it
I've never really liked the devil doctors of the USA, same with lawyers...

Actually I'll leave it at that....*spits on 'Newyouth'* I hate propoganda sites directed to the apathetic youth of our nation.

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[Edited on 6-1-2003 by FreeMason]

posted on Jan, 6 2003 @ 02:28 AM

"Wages down for high school dropouts 23%"
Yeah, we should be giving those ignorant and lazy bastards raises!

You know what, Mr. Mason? I dropped out of Highschool to start my first company, of which I sold a year and a half later and as a result, was able to make close to $80k per year...I was 19 at the time.

I find your generalization ignorant and offensive.
Some of the wealthiest men on this planet are Highschool Dropouts.

It isn't conformed education that makes the man, it's his ambition and determination to succeed.

Of course, I bet you think that spending four years of your life being babysat in a room full of morons only to graduate and spend $50,000 on a piece of paper telling the world you are capable of working for them a great system.

I'll tell you what, I'll take an ambitious man with a library card over a man with a degree "going through the motions" any day, thank you...

[Edited on 6-1-2003 by Mogus]

posted on Jan, 6 2003 @ 02:39 AM
No I find your offense rude and offensive, you mogus sir KNOW WHAT I WAS GETTING AT, and your comment is rude and stupid!

What you should have said, and pointed out, is unlike many who drop out BECAUSE they figure that the world will treat them like decent people if they don't go to retarded school, is that you have worked hard to get where you are, and no one gave you hand outs.

Or are you going to sit here and say, "I dropped out of school and the next thing I knew some rich CEO gave me some 1 million dollar a year job." Please.....

....perhaps this brash post of yours is direct cause of your dropping out of high school? I think you should have stayed.

And if you ask those "wealthy men" they'll tell you that no one today can afford to drop out of high school. Theirs was a different time, where you could lie about your past.

I know I've talked with many people, one who worked on several government projects and even worked on the making the hubble...yet he never even had a college degree, because when he started, he simply lied, and was an amazing GENIOUS who could get away with it, by performing. He still told me, that he's back in college, because he's gone as far as that lie could take him, in the 70s everything began to change and today everyone knows he doesn't have a degree, the only thing keeping him afloat were his credentials, but now he wants to switch careers, to genetics, amazing man really. But he would think your statement is STUPID!

You didn't tell us what you do for a living you work in a chem lab? Biology, genetics? Nah....get out of I think you are a brick layer, in a union...hmm am I close? Business maybe? Something that doesn't require a brain I know that for sure.

Please don't give the impressionable youth the idea to drop out so they can all make 80k a year, most of them will die in a gang or some drug related violence a few years after dropping out.

no signature

posted on Jan, 6 2003 @ 04:27 AM
Boy, you really think highly of yourself don't you?

For your information I started a web development and systems administration company. A corporate client whom I established contact with based on a referal needed a team of people to develop a complete online e-commerce solution site. They knew nothing about the internet market yet had an inside connection to the company wanting the site. After a months worth of meetings, the inside connection left the company leaving my client out of what would have been a very large deal. The company was Kroger. My client, was a techincal consulting firm with a 12 year track record and knew nothing about the web business. However, they wanted to get involved. They then offered to buy out my contracts and move my assetts into their company. I was given a full time job as the Division Manager.

Now Mr. Jackass, I have also on the side and in my spare time produced a TV show, published a music oriented magazine and several other things that have touched my fancy.

Lastly, if I ever was a brick layer, home builder, or a #ing window cleaner for that matter, I can see much more meaning behind such noble work than someone who spouts off at the mouth in egomaniacal banters of which he himself has no clue.

Save your heavy head for those that actually think you have something to offer, like the deaf, blind or mentally retarded.

Thanks for stoppin by!

posted on Jan, 6 2003 @ 02:13 PM
You sir, are in business, as I had thought, this proves MY point, you spin artist.

Now kindly go about your way and stop encouraging others to drop out. For your information, I too only spent 3 years in high school...I graduated early....perhaps you should encourage that instead.

Now why might I be so angry with you? Because you are encouraging BAD habits, AND!!! Communism...need I say more? Oh yes I'd like to point this out too...SPINER!

Yeah that's right, you know very well I said you could be either "brick layer" (Because this requires NO education), "in business" (Because this requires time, sometimes luck, and who you know...nothing to really do with education though it helps), and yet for some reason you think I think poorley of EITHER of those occupations.

I do not, it is merely that YOU HAVE NO OPTIONS to have done anything else...hence why I NAILED your occupational type.

No sir, thank YOU and good day!

no siganture

[Edited on 6-1-2003 by FreeMason]

posted on Jan, 6 2003 @ 04:50 PM
Are you STILL talkin?

Get over it!

What about my occupation did you NAIL, as you say? As usual your were way off. You seem like the type to make up bull#, and then actually believe it as though it were real. Maybe the Masons are doin a number on ya huh mate?

Your such a joke I'm laughing to myself. How many times were you dropped as a baby?

Mate, you don't know anything about me, never will. You parade in your Masonic emblems thinking they give you some sort of badge of higher status when in fact, the opposite is true. You flame anyone who doesn't agree with you and you make up absolute garbage to support any of your bogus claims.

You sir, have the mentality of a 16 year old child...I'm sure your fellow brethren are proud of their "baby".

Grow up mate.

[Edited on 6-1-2003 by Mogus]

posted on Jan, 6 2003 @ 05:30 PM
What are YOU talking about...any idiot that can read can clearly see that I said you were either in some form of trade such as "brick laying" or you were in the broad feild of BUSINESS! Which you said so yourself.

I think you are the 16 year old...liar too, all you've done is been insultive, a sign of a true child.

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posted on Jan, 6 2003 @ 05:44 PM
Now so that people just coming to this, I feel we must recap what this is all about.

You mogus sir, said that you took offense to the quote that I made of High School Drop Outs having poor wages.

If you'd look at the nature of that whole post, you'd see its just knit-picking at socialist "points" and is mostly in jest, yes it represents my views, but not my answers.

I was merely pointing out, that a High School Drop out shouldn't EXPECT ANYTHING, from anyone.

You come in here, rudly tell your story, and I then say, you are either a laborer, or a businessman...and I was right, you were a businessman. I knew you'd be one of those because they don't necissarily require education.

You continue!!!! To be insulting, and even go so far as to attack masonry, which I bet if you look through your records, at people who gave you a chance, you'd probably find a Mason in there.

You know, one of those companies, whomever refered you, or whom ever in those companies wanted to deal with you, and eventually gave you your current position.

My spiff with you, is that you've totally avoided the WHOLE point behind all of this, which is no one should drop out of high school, and your life story is a rarity.

No one would disagree, except for you maybe, since you seem to be young and stupid, and looking only for a fight, rather than facing the truth, which is you got into a business during a paradigm shift, which is VERY rare, and managed to make something out of it, because your services were rare. Now-a-days, a high school drop out will recieve nothing less that 15k a year and a cardboard box.

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posted on Jan, 6 2003 @ 05:50 PM
Well no-one will be able to resist a NWO if we can't stop arguing about who the enemy is. At the moment we have been manipulated into becoming our own enemies.

We need to at least start getting the facts sorted from the fiction, realising that we all have the same goals and working together to get back our freedom.

posted on Jan, 6 2003 @ 05:56 PM
There's not even an argument moonclamp Mogus is being a dork, and won't admit to what I am saying...he just is rambling on as if I really insulted him...which I didn't.

And he won't face the fact that no one should drop out of high school.

He is insulting me....this whole part of it really shouldn't even be in here, it should have ended with my Just and Honorable disgracing of a wretched site designed to brain wash younger more impressionable youth, into believing that America's actions are wrong.

There is no discussion on that site that's why I attacked its points....however Mogus decided to make it an issue, when he should have just kept his mouth shut, the last thing anyone gives a crap about, is some dork who never made it in the even most simplest of tasks, getting anywhere because he could pitter patter his little fingers on a keyboard.

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posted on Jan, 6 2003 @ 06:06 PM
First of all, don't ever tell me to keep my mouth shut until you yourself can shut it.

Secondly, I have never once said that people should drop out of school. NEVER. You are doing to me what you do to everyone else on these boards, which is putting words into their mouths to make you look like you have a valid point.

I took offense to your brash and ignorant generalization that all Highschool Dropouts are Lazy bastards. Take responsibility for your own words and stop whining when people have something to say about it.

You sir, are a jackass.

How would you feel if I post on these forums that all FreeMasons were satan worshipping baby killers simply because I knew one who was. Would that be ignorant of me?

You try to win arguments by twisting the words of people and putting words into their mouths in hopes that you will be viewed in high honor. Your just a jackass behind a monitor.

I am willing to bet that if I were to squeeze your head, your nose would blow.

posted on Jan, 6 2003 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by Mogus
Secondly, I have never once said that people should drop out of school. NEVER.

You have no sense of responsibility to say that, and I'm fed up with people like you.

You sit there, tell the world of how you are doing fine after dropping out...and then will not PUBLICALLY STATE that that was a one in a million shot, you will not deny the fact that dropping out of high school is bad and therefore CONDONE IT!

This is the problem with people such as you, just like all those rappers, who say to kids that their music doesn't condone drugs, but yet that's all they sing about, drugs, mistreatment of women, and violence.

Whoever doesn't shun an action ESPECIALLY when they themselves have DONE that action....condone it.

You should grow up, and finally SAY what I've been expecting you to say, out of the seeming maturity that you sometimes display, which is "Kids...I'm not common, I'm rare, I worked REALLY hard to get where I did, much harder than if I had stayed in school, so kids, when you think of dropping out because you don't want to "waste your time", just think of all the time you'll have to spend catching up, to those who took the time then."

Now Mogus is that so hard? I believe you think the same way, most everyone does because it's only a sense of responsibilty.

Yet somehow you constantly think I'm attacking YOU!

No, I just think you should not be a fence sitter, and let people make decisions based on your past.

Originally posted by Mogus
I took offense to your brash and ignorant generalization that all Highschool Dropouts are Lazy bastards. Take responsibility for your own words and stop whining when people have something to say about it.

Why don't you freaking read what I said about you you fool. I said you worked hard to get where you were and statement that so "Set you off" wasn't generalizing, it was making a point you homo. That High School Drop out's wages go down because they ARE LAZY! The whole thought that they had a bad home life and don't have time to become anything better, is stupid. And you are rare.

Notice that I had said, that you were a rarity, and that you could have said the same thing, that I had made a generalization, and that you had worked hard to become a success, without having been so initially rude. DID I NOT SAY THIS RIGHT AFTER YOUR FIRST VERY RUDE RESPONSE?! YES I DID!

"How would you feel if I post on these forums that all FreeMasons were satan worshipping baby killers simply because I knew one who was. Would that be ignorant of me?" Yes Mogus, you would be. But this is a shi.tty comparison to High School Drop outs, to whom the society pays no attention to, and of which most are too arrogant to make a success of themselves. This would have been a better analogy, had I said "All high school drop outs are hard working supermen who are way better than someone with a Ph.D. because I had met one who was like that."

"You try to win arguments by twisting the words of people and putting words into their mouths in hopes that you will be viewed in high honor. Your just a jackass behind a monitor."

No Mogus, you are the "jackass", of all the people on this board you are the only one directly insulting ANYONE and what makes it worse, is you do it for no reason, because you belive YOU are special.

I don't think I'm high and mighty, I think people have certain responsibilities, and that the neglect to these responsibilities are what is destroying our western society. You sir have neglected an important responsibility, to put down dropping out of high school, and to not encourage getting an education.

Furthermore, you defend yourself as a wounded dog in a corner, as if all that I said really hurt you...please.

You've been nothing but rude, in this whole Thread.

I think you should take a breather, and review your posts and mine, and see who was rude first.

I merely want you to adress the issues, you keep slinging insults. Grow up.

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posted on Jan, 6 2003 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by Freemason
No I find your offense rude and offensive, you mogus sir KNOW WHAT I WAS GETTING AT, and your comment is rude and stupid!

What you should have said, and pointed out, is unlike many who drop out BECAUSE they figure that the world will treat them like decent people if they don't go to retarded school, is that you have worked hard to get where you are, and no one gave you hand outs.

Now you go on and try and lie to these people, that I am the bad guy...please, they only need to review all that was written, to see that your first comment unecissarily swung at me!

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posted on Jan, 6 2003 @ 06:40 PM

"In Britain one in three children grow up in poverty (defined as being half the average wage), and one in five households have no breadwinner."
This has to be the best one because Britain is a Socialist nation

As an Englishman in England I just want to point out that the socialism presented by the modern labour party is not the same as the socialism idealised by Karl Marx, as it goes no socialism in the world has ever been able to fulfill all of the goals laid out in Das Kapital.

Most people see the labour governement as being almost identical to the previous right wing conservative Government that was here before. At the end of the day the working "ordinary" people of the world are supressed by the ruling classes, whether by royal bloodline or political bloodline.

This happens because we allow it to happen. Statistics can be used to weave a lie, I don't walk the streets of london looking at "Oliver Twist" on every street corner, most of us live decent lives, we are not wealthy by any means though.

Socialism as an ideal seems corrupted by globalists, unfortunately it goes against human nature too.

Can we get back to the topic please? I was serious about wanting to know about a NWO resistance and hopefully not a political movement or religious movement who have just hijacked the cause to further their own.

I want to get near the truth.

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