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Larry King July 3rd 2008: Are UFOs Real?

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posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by philjwolf

They bumped it to tonight because of breaking news last night

posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 10:01 PM
I liked the way Edgar Mitchell told the "science guy" to shut up when he was telling his story. The show was good, nothing new.. as usual.


posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 10:39 PM
Even though the evidence was lacking as usual, having a skeptic on degrades Larry King as if he's way too stupid to take any opposition. CNN really sucks because of usual.

The science disinfo guy needs to get abducted and cored a new hole to talk from. Although, he reminds me of the tall guy from MIB at the Diner. Maybe he's a disinfo....alien. They could have done without that annoying guy and just added a few more time wasting comercials instead.

The one woman did mention something familiar about the aliens being small like a ten year old kid. I've seen a few greys like this myself...maybe.

posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 10:52 PM
Watched the show tonight (04/07/2008) on the west coast.

Took some notes; thought they might come in handy.

First, and most glaringly, Why did they keep showing photos of NASA's Viking 1 Mars orbiter/lander?

Viking had absolutely Nothing! to do with the Roswell incident.

NASA Did Not Even Exist in 1947!

Was CNN/The Larry King Show trying to pass off Viking 1 as the vehicle that supposedly crashed in Rosewell?

Possibly, since, if one reviews the tape of the show, you'll see and hear Bill Nye, ostensibly on the show as a "skeptic", ask "Does that look like a 'disc-shaped object' to you? It doesn't to me..." while a photo of the Viking descent module, on a flat-bed, was being displayed. Above the module was its shipping crate, clearly labelled with the "NASA" logo. Which did not exist at the time (1947), as previously noted!

This verbal/visual gaffe occured during a segment in which Mr. Nye was attempting to discredit the accuracy of witness memories: attributing the extra-terrestrial details of their accounts to "Embellishments" added over the span of years since their experience. Mr Nye's contention seemed be based on his belief that people tend to forget the details of their experiences over time and thus are prone to "make-up" those lost, yet mundane detail with "improved" memories, making for a more "interesting" tale.

Really, Mr. Nye?

Where were you, and what were you doing when President John F. Kennedy was shot?

I'll bet you remember almost every detail of the moment you heard that terrible announcement: bet you won't need to "embellish" that memory at all. And yet it was almost 45 years ago

I want to focus for a minute here on Mr. Nye and on a rhetorical technique he employed, quite successfully, on this evening's broadcast: Cognative Mis-direction.

Again, if you review the broadcast, you'll note that Mr. Nye never, directly, attempts to refute the possibility that an "alien" craft of some type crashed at Rosewell that summer's day; instead, he attempts to distract inquirey into this possibility by Suggesting, never actually stating as fact, mind you, but merely suggesting that what was actually recovered was in fact a weather balloon and a top secret monitoring device.

You'll note too (coincidentally?) that just as one of the guests is about to call into question Mr. Nye's implied assertion that the military men present at the recorry site were not able to distinguish the latex, tinfoil and balsa wood of a Project Mogul weather balloon and debris from a UFO, the program goes to commercial break, and the inquirey is never re-visited during the show.

Must say though, I absolutely loved Edgar Mitchell reading the riot act to Mr. Nye. Classic "Right Stuff" attitude!

No there was nothing really new to be had in this little piece of fluuf. But that's not to say that it was an entirely worthless waste of time.

If you support Disclosure (and if you are on this forum, you probably do) then there was much to learn from tonight's folly with regard to the tactics likely to be employed by the "debunkers" should evidence ever see the light of day. "Know your enemy as you know yourself", as the old saying goes.

I am thinking here of our own ATS Roswell Team.

These are much the same rhetoric and tactics the Team will encounter when (if) the documents in their posession are finally released to the public. Don't think that merely possessing the truth will be an effective shield. The Truth is whatever the public can be persuaded to believe at any given moment; Reality is just the icing on the cake.

Might I suggest that the Team have Mr. Nye review the FOIA documents in our possession, under full NDA constraints of course, prior to their public release? Mr. Nye's appearance on tonight's show more or less identifies him as the skeptical portion of society's "point man". If the documents can convince their point man, the rest is easy.

"The best General is the one that can convince his opponent to surrender without ever having fought a battle".

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 03:05 AM
Well I watched it and the greys dont seem so bad now do they? Anyway i liked how that astronaut told the skeptic to shut up. Also it was funny how the skeptic was saying that their all already made up their minds and belive and wont change but it seems like he was the one with the made up mind that wong change his view.

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 08:54 AM
The sceptic played his part rather well, with the bowtie and all.
Fun, those games.
Now we wait for official disclosure and see how far that extends, especially as regards technology.

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 09:53 AM
Bill Nye always annoys me. The guy thinks he's the science God. Why do they not land in the middle of a large city? That's the dumbest question. I don't even need to answer it. That's what I'd say if I was on Larry King. Think about it...if they did they'd either be shot and killed, crushed by a crowd of people, they would cause mass panic, or they would be captured. I'm sure that's what I'd want to do if I was an alien.

I guess we haven't evolved enough as a civilization to handle the truth. A good portion of the population has, but not enough. I think as long as the media continues to cover the UFO subject in a some what serious way, it will wake more people up and get them interested. That's all we can really ask for at this point. For people to do their own research, have an open mind, and demand answers.

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 11:33 AM
Imho, Larry King has been doing a good job in the context of what he has to work with; too many cooks and he'll get discredited as a journalist.

This at least the third show he has done on UFOs since last November.

1st, the National Press Club last November, 2nd the Stephenville Texas incident aired in January, and 3rd, Friday's show on Roswell, 61 years later.



This Friday's show was good in-as-much that at least it was in MSM; we always have Ufo shows on cable like Discovery and the History channel, so at least he keeps the topic alive to a broader audience.

So, the images that the show plays from time to time is just pre-existing footage that they have in the bank, it gives us visual fodder for the show.

It's certainly not an easy panel to moderate, I give him credit for giving each witness time to express themselves.

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 11:38 AM
Hi All.

I think this is the link to the Larry King coverage.

I cant paste it for some reason. If you goto the above and look under 'Recent Highlights'. Its the first Video.


[edit on 5-7-2008 by davidifty]

[edit on 5-7-2008 by davidifty]

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 11:39 AM
Dr. Mitchell seemed credible and sincere. Bill Nye, it would seem, is NASA's and the nefarious "PTB" new front-man supplanting James E Oberg. Larry King's "honest-broker examination" of this serious subject is laughable entertainment at best and serves to continue the data-neutralization and de-spin efforts reminicent of certain "efforts" in regard to this subject matter by sources best left unnamed in times such as this. They are aware of "who" they are in this theater-noire. It's just another OP.

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 12:16 PM
Bill Nye was a joke, and I don't know which is worse to look at....Nye or the other skeptic astronomer who has the shakes because he's so nervous about having to lie on national TV about UFOs.

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

You must be kidding. The information that the Dr. provided was useless. The only information he presented was that he believed in UFOs. It is ok for people to want to believe in UFOs but there is zero proof to date. If you go back far enough in our history, a majority of the world believed the Earth was the center of the universe. In order to prove something is true. You can either show that each statement is correct or you can .... Mr. Nye successfully refuted or attempted to refute each claim. This is a scientific approach.

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

You must be kidding. The information that the Dr. provided was useless. The only information he presented was that he believed in UFOs. It is ok for people to want to believe in UFOs but there is zero proof to date. If you go back far enough in our history, a majority of the world believed the Earth was the center of the universe. In order to prove something is true. You can either show that each statement is correct or you can .... Mr. Nye successfully refuted or attempted to refute each claim. This is a scientific approach.

Normally, I would simply "Reply" to your post. However, since you choose to remain anonymous, as is your right, I have decided to "Quote" you so that other posters can, more clearly, understand my response.

You fail to recognize that there is, currently, a paucity of "proof" for either "belief": either that UFO's exist, or that they Do Not exist.

A significant percentage of the reported sightings remain, to this day, "unidentified"; a fact freely admitted by the various official bodies involved with the documentation of these events. And a fact that clearly leaves open the possibility that extraterrestrial craft Do exist, and have been witnessed in our skies.

You should do more research before spouting off such rash statements.

"You can either show that each statement is correct or you can ...."

Or you can, What? Paint yourself into a rhetorical corner? Question the character of those who disagree with your agenda?

Or as Mr. Nye attempted (and for you, apparently succeeded) mis-direct the inquiry by suggesting that we examine an orange (the NASA Viking 1 photos) to determine the veracity and/or existence of an apple (the testimony of the Roswell eyewitnesses).

Mr. Nye did not "successfully refute" or even "attempt" to refute Any of the claims made by the witnesses (or, as in this instance, their heirs and "biographers") Because he NEVER Directly Addressed those Claims!

Please! If you have an opportunity to do so, watch the show again.

Pay attention to to how Mr. Nye "substitutes" the composition of the "Mogul" device and its weather balloon when responding to any question regarding the unidentified vehicle which supposedly crashed at Roswell.

It is a very sublte, but disingenuous, rhetorical "sleight-of-hand" employed most often by professional politicians as a means to "deny without denying" when confronted with a difficult and/or embarrassing fact.

This is Not a "scientific approach", as you have claimed.

This was a political agenda, fostered to an apparently intellectually besotted public, incapable of recognizing that it is being sold a pack of fluffly little prevarications

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 03:56 PM
Any video of this on youtube or google?

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

You must be kidding. The information that the Dr. provided was useless. The only information he presented was that he believed in UFOs. It is ok for people to want to believe in UFOs but there is zero proof to date. If you go back far enough in our history, a majority of the world believed the Earth was the center of the universe. In order to prove something is true. You can either show that each statement is correct or you can .... Mr. Nye successfully refuted or attempted to refute each claim. This is a scientific approach.

You can attempt to refute each claim, but that doesn't mean that what Mr. Nye was saying is true either. He has no first hand expirience. He's a skeptic. What information is he providing? I know that witness testimony alone isn't enough for most fact it isn't enough for me to say "some" UFOs are for sure of ET origin. I do know several contactees personally, and I believe they're telling the absolute truth. Not to mention the radar data I've seen and military testimonies.

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 07:52 PM
PS - I say the UFO phenomena deserves serious study. Not people like Bill Nye who don't do any real research but simply come up with things they "think" it was. Isn't that a reasonable thing to ask?

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 08:32 PM
i watched it as well, very good show i was surprised to see it on cnn.

one question i liked that larry asked his guests and i havent seen in this thread yet is this:

do you think the truth will come out in our lifetime?

everyone on the panel seemed to think so. even the shaky navy retiree with the cool smile lol.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by Bhadhidar

If you would be so kind, please list all of the facts presented by the former astronaut on Larry King's program. I am sure you want to believe he actually said something but you should carefully watch the program again. You might not like Bill Nye's demeanor but he attempted to clarify the difference between real scientific facts and random chatter (noise).

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by garyo1954
Dr. Edgar Mitchell - Doctorate of Science, MIT; astronaut (moonwalker); outspoken about his belief in ETs

Originally posted by sc4venger
I liked the way Edgar Mitchell told the "science guy" to shut up when he was telling his story.

If people are searching for someone with credability and experience to confirm to them that UFOs and extraterrestrials exists, who better that Dr. Edgar Mitchell? I'd believe him over a scientist anyday!

Originally posted by CommanderSinclair
Any video of this on youtube or google?

I think this is it on CNN.

[edit on 6/7/08 by NuclearPaul]

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by NuclearPaul

Hey Paul, Do you read what you write? It seems like you might have contradicted yourself. It seems like the good Doctors degree is in Science so one would probably call him a scientist. So does that mean you don't believe in either guy? Yep, random chatter (noise) is not that hard to find.

Unfortunately for your side, most of the UFO experts (but not all) sound an awful lot like you.

Instead of wasting your time chasing UFOs, you might want to read one of Dr. Feynman's books. I guarantee you that you'll change your mind about scientists after reading one of his classics.

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