posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 10:16 PM
I hope i picked the right topic for this discussion but here goes!
Since 1996, Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington have passed laws to let sick people who qualify use marijuana,
and now New Mexico. As a card carrying california club member i can say that the bennefits of legalized pot far out wheigh the former methods of
shady drug deals and laced product. Its been proven throgh various medical studies that pot has possitive bennefits for arthritis, chrons disease,
cancer patients, people with anxiety, glaucoma, and many others. Are we ever going to see a federal legalization????
I would be overjoyed to see the most benneficial illegal drug become legal nation wide, but i just dont see it happening. Especially with the
aftermath of our latest administration coming up. I think the ones who live in the legal states can be counted as lucky and the rest of the nation is
going to continue suffering.... Texas still carries a 5 year to life sentance just for pot. Thats outrageous.
So i guess the main question to fellow board members is this: with our federal government doing its damndest to restrict our freedoms instead of
protect them, will a federal legalization ever come to fruition??? I think the tax money made from selling legal weed alone would take a huge chunk
of this nations debt out of the picture.