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Political Collusion of a President and Congress in Collapsing America, The Fall of the New Rome

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posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 09:03 PM
The political ideology of the Fall of Rome through analogy and America as it is happening due to increased warfare on various fronts, as well as increased prohibitive costs of oil, gasoline, as well as goods and services is simple in being that it has become obvious to most citizens of America along with various other countries that the Resident of the United States of America had one goal in mind when it came to Iraq, plain and simple it was one thing that was truly on his agenda and that was seizing the oil of the populace of Iraq for organizations like Halliburton and the other oil tycoon robber-barons who only seek to fill their coffers to the brim through various Federal contracts with our Government.

This of course has a dual-purpose to the World Government in that while our soldiers are overseas defending our freedoms, being attacked on all sides, not knowing who is friendly or enemy in a foreign land, including their own politicians and leaders, is very similar in fact to Vietnam, it has after all it has been compared to the Southeast Asian nation that cost countless soldiers lives during one of our nations most controversial wars, we are left wanting to make the next paycheck just to pay for a tank full of gasoline, to get to the same job that used to pay all of our bills, but due to the cost of gasoline, goods and services have increased as well, but our paycheck remains the same as ever, pathetic.

This would be so the Amero can be victoriously ushered in as salvation to the failing economy, one step closer of course to the total collapse of the nation as a whole, through the unionization of North America, being that the goal of the global conglomerates wish to suspend American, Mexican, and Canadian boundaries altogether, making us just like the previous nations of Europe through the European Union, which was in essence a template of design in which the World Government could utilize to fabricate a new nation state, the North American Union.

Why is it that the Trans-Texas Corridor will run from Mexico up through Texas and on into Canada, bypassing the traditional routes of commerce like the ports of the East and West coast, making the Panama Canal the new hot-spot for cargo ships to stop and drop their loads, and essentially both figuratively and literally dividing the nation of America, while we as American citizens will have to pay for tolls to get on the Trans-Texas Corridor to travel North to South, meanwhile the toll money all goes to Mexico’s economy through various contracts thanks in part to N.A.F.T.A., or better know North American Free Trade Agreement? This would be to assist Mexico it seems in filling their bankrupt governments bank accounts, meanwhile further draining America as a nation of finances direly needed to pay the trillions upon trillions that the War in Iraq is costing us the taxpaying citizens, the politicians who through backdoor deals have borrowed the money for the Iraq War from China indebting us further to a foreign power that is continually hostile to us in our faces, but possibly through the same said backdoor deals is making promises to come to our President’s aid if civil unrest were to befall his beloved nation, ushering in Martial Law and enacting programs like Rex-84, or Readiness Exercise 84, or even similar programs like it where our nation is gutted in the extreme by the dragging off of citizens to prison camps designated by organizations like F.E.M.A., or Federal Emergency Management Agency as well as Homeland Security having power directly over them thanks in part to Presidential designation due to the cataclysmic events of September 11th.

So is a Presidential Directive or Presidential Finding more powerful than an entire nationality as well as the entirety of those same said citizen’s lives? According to one man apparently it is in fact just that. The problem with this of course is that Congress knows this is happening and has done absolutely nothing to stop it in the least. Oh sure they have one or two people stand up and decry President Bush’s “war crimes” in the effort to at least appear to be disagreeing with his policies. Do they really disagree with those same said policies though or are they in fact colluding and conspiring against the populace of America as well?

This is disturbing in the least if it is in fact true, and damning in the most if it in fact is true that the United States Congress as well as President Bush and possibly House of Representatives as well are in fact colluding together, and in fact conspiring against us as citizens. This is the equivalent of them taking off their mask of the polite smile and promises, and in fact becoming the face of evil in that they have now all betrayed us as citizens that they were supposed to protect and serve but now are capturing and imprisoning through their lies not just being false campaign promises now, but in essence their entire time in office is now a lie because before at the least it was only false campaign promises and the occasional scandal or two of inappropriate actions or sexual misconduct, but now it is not something so small as this but it is in fact becoming more and more likely that it is pre-planned mass genocide and this time it will not be only 11 Million lives, it may in fact be billions upon billions of lives lost to these genocidal maniacs all in the promise of making us safe and secure.

Who then is to make us safe and secure when the very people who have promised to protect us are in fact worse than those who they supposedly protect us from, and the shepherds have in fact all along been wolves to begin with and were only luring us into a larger trap being that the promises of safety and security are now only a promise of poison and perpetual servitude through either obeying their every whim or being carted off to the Concentration Camps because of civil disobedience and breaking of curfew of lights out at nightfall?

Through military occupation of both Iraq and simultaneously the American border with Mexico, we see that the goals of this Administration are to bring a show of force to the table that is in essence a large intimidation plan, but it is portrayed of course as the salvation of the people of Iraq and to stop the ingress of the illegal aliens from Mexico who for a lack of better words are invading America through mass migration because the Mexican economy does not allow enough money to be made by their citizens so they migrate enmeshing into the American citizens mind that they are trying to rob us of our jobs, when in fact they are only trying to survive just like us, and while I can not say I sympathize with their plights I can say I empathize with it in that it takes nearly seventy dollars to fill a gas tank now, as well as the costs of food and necessities of life like rent and or mortgage payment are skyrocketing out of control faster than Speedy Gonzales would outwit the gato that always chased him. Is global warming really the culprit through our gasoline engines emitting toxic carbon monoxide or is it in fact the poison spewing forth from the very politicians mouths who are pushing heavily that we get the hybrid electric cars that will all be simultaneously tracking our every position while driving back and forth to work, while we are paying for the same companies like OnStar or Sirius Radio/XM Radio to track us everywhere we go, we then in fact will be paying for these corporations to in fact be stalking us everywhere we go as well as spying on our every movement throughout our daily lives where essentially a third of our lives are spent driving back and forth to work, or to grandma and grandpa for a weekend of fun, or even to go on that road trip that we can now not afford to pay for.

Do you honestly mean to tell anyone the lie that you honestly trust the Government enough to let them have this much power over you or have you become so dense as to not understand that this is the template for a Police State in that your every action, your every movement, your every word will now be listened to, because anyone who knows technology can tell you, that which can be used one way can be used another way, and while it’s a nice and naïve thought to believe that the little blue button of OnStar is only listening to you when you push it like a doorbell, they in fact can listen to your every word between you and family while driving along unknowingly oblivious to the fact that it is digitally recorded for Customer Service improvement. Do you mean to say that you can trust a President as bad as George W Bush, a rogue man who is totally oblivious to a nation who is fed up with him, to be able to know your private conversations, when he could determine this conversation, because of its content as well as intent is in direct opposition of his tyrannical rule over America and where he can order you whisked away via private plane contracted out to take Americans overseas to be tortured in a C.I.A. prison, because as well all know our Government does not torture American citizens, but the outsourced imprisonment overseas is in fact not on American soil, and the torture will be done by someone of a different nationality altogether.

There is no recourse for action if you suddenly disappear on these black flights of death overseas, because for all intents and purposes, you are no longer deemed worthy of Constitutional protections, because you are in fact deemed a terrorist by the sheer will of a madman, Hell bent on destroying the very infrastructure of our nation let alone the family structure because according to Bush your very own sibling might in fact be a terrorist. This sounds familiar to anyone who knows history well enough to remember the madman Joseph McCarthy who decried Communist at the top of his voice while pointing his shady finger, like the small-minded child who learns the importance of screaming fire at the top of his lungs.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 09:09 PM
In fact he does it just to gain the attention of those who will then praise his actions. What Bush does not realize as much as McCarthy did not realize is that they both in fact are abusers of power and can both be equivilated to the boy who cried wolf.

The boy who cries wolf too often, soon enough finds that the villagers will never listen to him again, when the wolf is really there next time. So, the questions begs to be asked now, where is the next wolf Bush will see, and will we as a public believe this man who seemingly in oblivious to the fact that the public sees through his every mouthful of falsehoods?

[edit on 3-7-2008 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 09:24 PM
Politically,financially,culturally and spiritually there is only so high one can stack fecal matter before it starts collapsing under its own weight,this is about where we are now- its starting to ooze through the cracks in the roof.

As for conspiracy I wouldn't mistake abject human stupidity for any cunning plan; these people have been playing Civilisation III in the real world,and the world is not a video game.The universe does not conform itself to AIPAC,the Council of Foreign relations,Bildeberger etc schemes or superior will all the time there are such things as chaos theory and other nasties out there.

Rome did not expend itself from interminable wars for resources in far off lands although by the end she had to use mercinary armys.No it imploded from within,'America's only threat is America and it has been run now for corporate cabals for decades by people in Government who have had their ambitions and abilities confused in terms of managerial acumen.

The problems about to arise are not via planning,rather the lack of it.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 09:37 PM

You Sir just nailed the score to the door.

I just flagged, starred and would applaud you if I could. this, this should be read by every damn reader of ATS.

Awesomeness dude, total pwnage thread.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by Dan Tanna

You Sir just nailed the score to the door.

I just flagged, starred and would applaud you if I could. this, this should be read by every damn reader of ATS.

Awesomeness dude, total pwnage thread.

Thanks Dan Tanna. Appreciate a compliment when I get one.

This 10,000 character plus post, only took less than an hour to type up.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 11:04 PM
Bravo sir, bravo...

I am so aggravated with American society. I have typed this before again and again.


I feel like I could go to the tops of the mountains and scream until my lungs explode about whats so OBVIOUSLY going on here and the majority of Americans would just stare blankly. I want to go out there and try to make people realize whats happening but I honestly don't think anyone would care about a damn thing I'd have to say.

You could spell it out for people and make it black and white, prove it without a doubt and it just would not compute. People resist change, and I'm one of the worst when it comes to breaking out of your comfort zone, but even I can see what we're heading for.

Patriot act, how many people do you know have a clue about what it is and what kind of doors its opening? I know 0, but thats just me. But $4 dollar gas? Hooooooooly *smokes* it's like we're 2 steps away from nationwide riots. Thats the only way to make people care about something, to cut into their money supply and take away their toys.

I guess when most of us are living in tent cities and the rest are dieing in Iran then maybe a couple people will finally act against these traitors we call our leaders.

But I doubt it....

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by PlausibleDeniability
Bravo sir, bravo...

I am so aggravated with American society. I have typed this before again and again.


I feel like I could go to the tops of the mountains and scream until my lungs explode about whats so OBVIOUSLY going on here and the majority of Americans would just stare blankly. I want to go out there and try to make people realize whats happening but I honestly don't think anyone would care about a damn thing I'd have to say.

You could spell it out for people and make it black and white, prove it without a doubt and it just would not compute. People resist change, and I'm one of the worst when it comes to breaking out of your comfort zone, but even I can see what we're heading for.

Patriot act, how many people do you know have a clue about what it is and what kind of doors its opening? I know 0, but thats just me. But $4 dollar gas? Hooooooooly *smokes* it's like we're 2 steps away from nationwide riots. Thats the only way to make people care about something, to cut into their money supply and take away their toys.

I guess when most of us are living in tent cities and the rest are dieing in Iran then maybe a couple people will finally act against these traitors we call our leaders.

But I doubt it....

While I agree it seems no one cares, I believe rather that it isn't that they do not care, although there are the fair share of people set in with apathy, and some set with concrete in their skulls as well, I believe that most people however only ever want to resort to violence against idiots in power.

The true way to beat them, is to beat them at their own games, and to best them by politics itself. Unfortunately, this means stepping into the political arena, and very few people want to actually step forward in order to do this. They have lives that will be disrupted, or do not know the way, or do not know who to trust within the confines of the political hallways.

I know of what I speak, and I've said every one of those excuses at one time or another. The problem I have in this is that I do not have the luxury, nor the excuse everyone else has avalible, because as I have stated many times within the bounds of ATS that I was taught by parents since the age of six to know and understand World Politics, War Politics, War Ethics, Global Government, and everything inbetween in which these political jackals know.

My biggest desire though is not to step into that arena.

I know and understand well, that if I do, and the Bilderberg Group, who were actively bogging Nixon down during the Watergate scandal, who more than likely plotted JFK's assassination, who seem to get their jolly's off on causing World War in order to make a profit, would see no other recourse than to end and undo evertything I accomplish if they felt that I was slipping out of their control.

I do not see this Global Conglomerate, this mish-mash of King's, Queen's, President's, and other World Leaders as My master, and this would cause them concern, and scare them when I outsmart them.

I did say when I outsmart them, not if, not maybe I will, but when.

I have cheated death far too many times already in this life, to let some smug, rich, fat bastards in power figure out how to undo the life I love to live.

[edit on 3-7-2008 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 05:39 PM
Oustanding post Spartan

What we are witnessing is a carefully orchestrated puppet show, I have said this many times myself.

The economy is being manipulated on purpose, the NAU and the Amero are just around the corner, and it will not be any suprise if a false flag or an Iran invasion takes place just before elections.

The further along we go, the more transparent the game becomes. But what can be done about it?

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by BlackOps719

Oustanding post Spartan

What we are witnessing is a carefully orchestrated puppet show, I have said this many times myself.

The economy is being manipulated on purpose, the NAU and the Amero are just around the corner, and it will not be any suprise if a false flag or an Iran invasion takes place just before elections.

The further along we go, the more transparent the game becomes. But what can be done about it?

I agree wholeheartedly with that analysis.

Weren't puppet shows supposed to like Punch and Judy?

Seriously, it's disturbing to see that our very leaders, no matter what level they are at, are doing the very thing that they are supposed to be preventing. It makes Me madder than Hell that these jerks are trying to jerk us around by our wallets, meanwhile promising to do something.

Yeah, the something they are promising to do is only screw us further.

George W Bush, you can keep your stimulus check.

Stimulate this

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 07:05 PM
Wow. Quite an opinion piece. You might want to submit it it the Alex Jones website. They sometimes publish opinion pieces. Perhaps you comments deserve a wider audience. Star and flag.

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 09:07 PM
Always my opinion, but Greece should have prevailed over Rome. Rome used slaves, and over-all a psychotic tactic in warfare to defeat the ingenious culture of the Greeks. How does this mix with today? Corruption, crime,'s all there in the last days of Rome. Read my friends, read.

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by son of PC
Wow. Quite an opinion piece. You might want to submit it it the Alex Jones website. They sometimes publish opinion pieces. Perhaps you comments deserve a wider audience. Star and flag.

I have to say thanks for that compliment. I am unsure of whether submitting that in e-mail to Alex Jones after having posted it here would break ATS T & C, and if someone could fill Me in about that, I'd love to know.

The thing I see about this is that it's not just My opinion, but every single American I come into contact with on a daily basis.

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Extremely excellent thread,you really are a leading insight on politics of the NWO.I felt the second to last paragraph was the best part of your OP.Lol,I knew you authored the thread because you have a certain style of thread titles.I also found the following statement one of the most powerful things I've heard on this subject:

Who then is to make us safe and secure when the very people who have promised to protect us are in fact worse than those who they supposedly protect us from, and the shepherds have in fact all along been wolves

Excellent,deep,and provocative thread SKL-flag,star,and digg from me.

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

Thanks for the huge compliment there jkrog08. I would so much call it the NWO but the World Government and their dirty bag of black tricks, in all things politics. They are terrified that a wave of national pride will sweep America, and blow them out of the water.

I wonder just how many Texan's know that the Trans-Texas Corridor is going to be primarily a source of income for Mexico.

posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Great article here.Stars,flags,stripes,diggs,and everything else.When I watch Bush commit crimes and pelosi protect him it makes my blood boil.When he wants a bill to take away more of my liberty and pelosi rams it through it sickens me.I truly believe we will strike Iran before bush leaves office,if indeed he does.I am starting to believe the only way we the people will ever restore our libertys is to take action ourselves.Not through the vote but to start impeachment procedings ourselves.These so called congresspeople need to understand the people are not going to putup with thier crap.If enough of them were impeached at the end of a rope this country could get back to being the shinning beacon of liberty it once was.When bush attacks Iran and destroys the dollar completely,with the blessings of pelosi and other non americans we should all converge on D.C. and form our own courts to put an end to unamerican values.Perhaps in the wake of chaos the american people will wake the hell up.

posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by pooty
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Great article here.Stars,flags,stripes,diggs,and everything else.When I watch Bush commit crimes and pelosi protect him it makes my blood boil.When he wants a bill to take away more of my liberty and pelosi rams it through it sickens me.I truly believe we will strike Iran before bush leaves office,if indeed he does.I am starting to believe the only way we the people will ever restore our libertys is to take action ourselves.Not through the vote but to start impeachment procedings ourselves.These so called congresspeople need to understand the people are not going to putup with thier crap.If enough of them were impeached at the end of a rope this country could get back to being the shinning beacon of liberty it once was.When bush attacks Iran and destroys the dollar completely,with the blessings of pelosi and other non americans we should all converge on D.C. and form our own courts to put an end to unamerican values.Perhaps in the wake of chaos the american people will wake the hell up.

While I'm sure a lot of people will agree with you that Congress among other people really should be hanged for treasonous actions, it's not what's going to get things done, besides that's a terrible waste of rope in that those brittle old necks are already close to snapping due to the weight of their huge egos filling their heads.

What needs to be done is for American's to comprehend what is going on, and do something about it, through buying corporate stocks in the companies that really have the ability to change these things, and vote on the appropriate matters at hand when shareholders vote. The problem with this is that those same said Americans would rather whine, whinge, and cry about their poor little woes, and stick an extra $20 in lottery tickets and $6 for a six-pack instead of smartly investing.

It takes a hands-on approach at changing these things with hard-earned money going into investments instead of wasting it on beer, cigarettes, and a cheap hooker. Every day for the five years I worked at 7-11 while selling lottery tickets with a pack of cigarettes or a sandwich and bottle of Mountain Dew, I would tell customers they could make guaranteed returns on the $10 or $20 they were throwing into the crapper with lottery tickets, and everytime people would give the same stupid speech "yeah, but with this I might win $20 Million and I could quit my job" and it made Me sick that people were so ignorant to not see that the lottery is a hollow pipe-dream.

If people took an extra $5 and stuck it aside from a paycheck, and when they got up to $500 deposit it into E*Trade, and buy shares of corporations like Digital Angel, or Halliburton, they could make money and be on the inside of the companies who are helping screw over our nation. I have bought shares of both Verichip and Digital Angel lately, and while I do not have money enough for shares of Halliburton, it's on the list of companies.

For anyone who comes in later and suggests that we as citizens can't do it, that's the exact negative answer I expect of someone who has given up before even trying. People that sit by and wait for their lottery tickets to pay off are only deluding themselves into believing that the $10 they throw into lottery tickets will do anything more than fill some greedy corporations pockets, without a positive return. At least with stocks, you get a return for your money, and as well get information in order to be in the know.

[edit on 4-7-2008 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

when you get a chance read this book Eden: The Knowledge of Good and Evil 666 by Joye Jeffries Pugh

posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Wow,I think this is your best thread ever SKL!It is just so true and well written for ease of reading and attention.Once again,great thread my friend.I always have said violence is not the way to turn this great county around,not unless there is no other option!Why don't you get into politics?

posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 04:59 PM
Yet another fantastically written and well thought out article SKL. S & F

This, and your Bilderberger thread are two of the most thought provoking threads I've ever seen on ATS. That Bilderberger thread has kept me up at nights. A very disturbing time and world we live in IMO. Keep up the awesome work.

posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Thanks for the book recommendation, I'll have to look into it. I've got all kinds of books I'm trying to read all at once right now, but I'll add that to the list.

reply to post by jkrog08

I have to say thanks for the compliment. I don't know about it being the best thread I've done to date, but I admit a lot of thought went into it. Thanks.

reply to post by DimensionalDetective

Thanks for the compliment. I'm trying to get this thread as well as the Bilderberg Group one some attention here on ATS. If you've got any recommendations, feel free to give Me a shout.

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