posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 07:10 PM
If this does happen, it will only be a matter of time before people are hosting their own dial-in services that are networked together, until
eventually it is larger and more free then the "internet", possibly will be coined the "outernet". This will be a underground internet for the
people who do not want to have their choices limited.
The internet was made to share information - ALL information, and sometimes you have to take the good with the bad. This movement will essentially
turn the internet into a bidding war between companies, with providers fueled by greed. The only websites most of the population would be able to
afford, due to the extinction of the middle class that is coming ever so soon, will be the ones included in the standard package. People will not be
able to afford to visit independent media websites, nor someones blog. Websites like ATS will lose so many people that it no longer becomes viable to
keep it running. Eventually the smaller websites will have to shut down. Think of WalMart pushing out the smaller mom and pop type stores, they just
cannot compete any more, and when it becomes futile to continue, they will eventually close. Again and again this will happen until the only websites
that exist will be the ones that can afford to be part of the standard package.
I for one have the technical know-how to allow for others to dial into my box via phone lines. Think of a few thousand other people with this ability
and eventually we will have our own "outernet". Sure, it may be slower. It also may not have your favorite websites due to being on a separate
network, but by god it will be the epitome of freedom. It will allow its users to exchange information without having Mommy and Daddy (the Government)
deciding what is or isn't allowed.
We will use the internet for our mainstream websites and general browsing. We will use the outernet for our unbiased news, free speech, and the right
to privacy - without having a central party, such as these ISPs who will be catering to this horrible agenda, monitoring our every move.
They say its to protect us. Bull----. It's to silence us. They have seen the amount of momentum that can be gained through internet groups. They have
seen that their agendas can be revealed to millions of people with the click of a mouse.
You can give someone a tool that can benefit the world, but the second that tool becomes a problem to the powers that be, it must be removed from the
hands of its users.
[edit on 2-7-2008 by deadline527]