posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 10:05 AM
thye OPs picture from mufon is fake, the camera was rotated slightly, and also the picture is posted rotated 180 degrees from when it w as shot, also
if u zoom in to the bottom of the picture , u can tell it should be the top, becvause whoever posted it "claiming" its real, used the wrong shade of
black to attempt to black out the lights, streaked lights.,(i can spot this all out and crop it n stuff if u guys wish)
its rather clever though how it was done. u can do alot to make something look like what it isnt. if u know your computer software, and take ur time,
with the photo, this guy took his time, but its spottable, so he must of havent taken the "right" amount of time,.
[edit on 8-7-2008 by noone81]