Originally posted by Demandred
(best way to hide a lie is to wrap it between 2 truths).
And which two truths would these be may I ask??
I assume one of them is a mish-mash of ancient middle eastern legends hand selected by a
medieval dictator and a few contemporary scholars to maintain control over a naive population?
Is the other one, by any chance, a poor adaptation of a number of ancient Sumerian legends about the son of God taking physical form on earth, dying
for the sins of mankind and subsequently rising from the dead, all set in the framework of a pagan sun-worship calendar? Again, tacked onto the end
of the first 'truth' in order to frighten poorly educated Europeans in the middle ages into towing the line? Is this the truth of which you speak??
(Sorry... Someone told me sarcasm was the lowest form of humour, but I just can't help it :-)
The argument that God exists and is responsible for creation is, to my mind, entirely without basis, but I respect the fact that others view the world
differently and interpret evidence (if they bother to look for it, which is rare) in a different way to me. What I truly can't get my head around is
the, "my god is better than your God..." argument. Or, even more ludicrously, the , "my God exists and yours doesn't" argument
In the
absence of evidence (real evidence I mean...) for either story - Christianity/Islam - how can you possibly make this judgement? Surely the fact that
one is an adaptation (or not) of the other which, in its self, is an adaptation of Judaism which is in turn an adaptation of ancient scripts from
times when people worshiped star constellations is irrelevant?
The fact that most of our problems in the world today stem from this farce of a situation not only disappoints me, it frightens me!
Now I happen to think Dawkins is a prat, but I think it was him who said, "we are all atheists, I just go one God further...." How are you so sure
you got the right god?? And on what basis did you discount the scores of others that have raised their heads throughout history?!
Sorry If I seem a little abrupt - this just really bugs me!