posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 02:04 PM
I've been searching through various sites and ATS seems the best one that can give me an explanation. I was going to post in "Cryptozoology and
Mythical Beasts" but there doesn't seem to be much action in there.
Last night I was walking the German Shepherd, Grumbler, in the backyard as I always do when he needs to use the washroom. The yard's fairly big with
lots of apple trees, American Beech, and white poplars. We were down by Old Rickety, the oldest of apple trees, that's Grumbler's usual dumping
area. The dog did his business as I leaned on the shovel (# scooper) while looking around with the flashlight. My dog began to whimper, which isn't
like him. He was looking up at Old Rickety as he backed away. He barked once. I saw two glowing eyes and a third glow that could've been an open
mouth, I really don't know. The eyes were what got me, you know? They stared down at me while Grumbler tried to get me to move. The red eyes
faded, slowly, and were not quite gone, I had a feeling that whatever was up there, didn't feel threatened by me. And I was thinking to myself, I
can still see you. And that was when the glowing shapes, eyes, whatever they were, blew out. My dog's whimpering subsided as I pointed the
flashlight up and as I did that, branches shook, but the flashlight revealed nothing but branches where the blazing eyes were. In that area something
of a decent size could've fit in there. I could see the stars through this area. Grumbler at this point was looking up into the "almost" clear
skies and as we returned to the house, he was somewhat back to normal. He kept looking about like he expected something to happen. I was more
unnerved when I got back to the house, since then I feel like I am being watched. This happened a little after eleven.
Anyway, it wasn't an owl, way too big. If I had to guess the area in question is at least twelve feet above me. That would be one huge owl, one
huge anything. No streetlights down there, I'm out in the countryside so lights in general are a rarity. I thought maybe a plane was flying that
open space but the lights would be blinking, and the "red glows" seemed very aware. I live in Nova Scotia and I have heard of strange things, you
know, things you chalk up as old wive's tales, but Grumbler was genuinely frightened and he's a very aggressive dog. I do not recall any distinct
odors. Anyway, hopefully somebody can give me a logical explanation.