posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 09:29 AM
The "War on Drugs" is a crock. It is nothing more than a caste system. A way to disempower and dispossess the poor. Get caught with anything
in your car, and your car becomes property of the government as you are carted away to jail. And jail, for these crimes, by the way, doesn't really
involve too much serving of "time". What it does involve is costly fines and probation fees.
You might as well call the "War on Drugs" a hidden taxation system.
Have you ever given a loved one a pill that was prescribed to you? I think we all have. A pain pill, when they hurt? Or a sleeping pill when they
can't sleep? Maybe a Xanax or a Valium when they've undergone some sort of sincere traumatic experience? According to the "War on Drugs" you are a
felon, worthy of long term incarceration and massive financial penalties.
People can source rampant armies of crack dealers toting AK-47's as a defining and sincere reason for these types of laws. But, really... I will be
42 years old in a couple of weeks, I have lived in some very bad neighborhoods, and I have never even seen crack OR an AK-47. I don't doubt that
these are real problems in certain places. But are they rampant enough problems to declare "war" and to subject an entire population to extreme
laws? I honestly think not.
The entire "War on Drugs" is a farce. I don't even use drugs and this is apparent to me. When they began seizing property from just about anyone
who possessed drugs... Cars and houses, I knew trouble was afoot. It isn't a war. It IS a revenue device. It is arbitrary (Ever read of a celebrity
heroin addict having their car seized or sold when they got busted?). And it allowed our police to go from folks who wore blue, waved when you passed
them, and gave talks at grade schools - to turn into paramilitary thugs in black who carry large caliber weapons, consider everyone the enemy, and who
live to make a bust.
It's sad. Drugs, in the big picture are destructive things, I think. I have seen drugs destroy individuals. I have seen them cause grief. But they
didn't screw up an entire society. It took declaring "war" upon them for that to happen.
It probably doesn't help, either, that the US Government is probably the biggest drug cartel in the world.