posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 01:40 PM
You know, this whole planet x thing freaks me out! I keep having this dream, exactly the same every time, at least five times now. In this dream,
its the middle of the night and for some reason I go outside and look to the sky. In the sky to the right of the moon is what appears to be another
moon only red, and is larger than the moon. I'm filled with terror, then, I wake up. Even stranger, every time I've had this dream, when I wake up
and look at the clock its always 4:22am. WTF? The scary thing is.... I've had several dreams that have come true, usually though they happen within
a week of me dreaming them. I have to say, I think we should take this thing very very seriously. Just look at what we've learned from the ancient
peoples, how could they have known the things they did? Things we had no clue of...