posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 11:07 AM
In the l;ast few months, I have heard the following things come to pass:
- Congress starts hearings on border control (Ramos & Compean).
- Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and California start enforcing the border themselves.
- Congress demands end to Mexican Trucker Pilot Program.
- Supreme Court reinstates habeas corpus.
- Oklahoma stops pandering to illegal immigrants.
- Oklahoma (along with a few other states) declares 'sovereignty'.
- Oklahoma reverses course on a bill to finance the Trans-Continental Highway.
- Texas tones down plans for the Trans-Continental Highway.
- Montana threatens secession if guns are banned.
- Supreme Court strikes down DC gun ban; upholds 2nd Amendment.
- Texas man who shot two burglars escapes indictment.
- Hillary Clinton is defeated in her bid for President.
All of these are good things, coming from the dire center of corruption in the United States. The border control issue is a bastion of corruption that
is jeopardizing our economy by bogging it down with a slave class of non-citizens. It also places those who are trying to protect us from terrorist
infiltration in dire threat of prosecution from those they are trying to protect.
The SPP/NAFTA/NAU is an obvious attempt to remove American sovereignty from the continent and place the American people at the whim of a third world
country even more corrupt than ours (Mexico).
The oil prices are the final wail of a self-destructing economy, a blow that cannot be recovered from. The only way to fix this is to regulate the
speculation of oil, a proposal which is constantly hidden from the citizenry in favor of miniscule tax breaks, false supply/demand issues, and
complaints about profits which are far far removed from 'obscene'.
It looks like we are finally getting back on track. It looks like we are getting actual leadership from those eggheads sitting in Congress. It looks
like we may survive after all.
That's what worries me.
Maybe I have seen too much corruption in my lifetime. Maybe I have become overly cynical. But somehow, things seem to be going too well?
Is anyone else getting this sinking feeling that the calm waters are little more than camouflage for the iceberg?
Feel free to tell me I'm paranoid. Please?