posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 06:42 PM
There has been a lot of talk accusing Obama supporters as being mindless zombies because they have enthusiasm for their candidate. Conservatives who
posses no feelings of excitement from McCain and sense his impending defeat label enthusiastic obama supporters as Obama bots. I noticed an
interesting trend from Glen Beck, Tammy Bruce, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reily, Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh to the ATS boards obama haters all serve up
the same pile of steaming crap. They all repeat that Obama is a socialist and voting for Obama is voting for socialism.Not surprisingly none of them
are able to give any real policies of Obama that are socialist. They have no evidence they keep recycling this same old tired argument. Like a group
of parrots they don't vary from each other they all somehow, repeat the same junk. Notice that democrats have different criticism of McCain whether
it be his lack of knowledge of the Economy or his war mongering. Forget little things like facts that show Obama like the past 3 democratic
presidential candiates run a campaign in the center. I mean Obama has talked about possibly cutting corporate taxes. But apparently to conservatives
obama is a socialist. well if Obama is socialist so is eisenhower, the republican president who taxed the top 1 percent of the population at the rate
of 90 percent. But hey of course republicans don't follow eisenhower hes was actually competent