posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 03:55 PM
A favourite creative writer of mine, is A.A.Attinasio.
In one of his novels, he describes "Statskin", a transparent skin , that protects and nourishes the wearer indefinetly, and reduces cellular
decay, placing the wearer in stasis.
i do know the military are currently developing "Nanosuits", for military applications, powered indefinetly by -273k supercoils, and fullerine
based microcircuitry. Ever since the c60 buckyball was discovered, research has really taken off. I believe it's only a matter of time it all comes
together, and a invulnerable statskin type weapon is avaliable to trained specialist troops.
Already camoflague chameleon type skin has been developed (New scientist magazine, 2007).....
i would like your opinions on this.. in our lifetime, or pie in the sky?