posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 12:31 PM
Yes, you read that correctly.
You see, for the most part, apple has propritory hardware/software.
That means you can't buy any brand part on sale, you must bye apple brand at a serious cost to the consumer.
"Want a larger hard drive? An Apple 250GB disk in place of the stock 120GB unit costs £90.01 ($179.01) more, versus Dell's charge of £30.01
($59.68), three times Dell's price."
"More memory? Buying 4GB of RAM instead of 2GB from Apple will set you back £ 120 ($238.75) more, whereas Dell charges only £40.01 ($79.58) more
for the same upgrade, also 200 per cent more than Dell's price."
"Apple's premium isn't quite so high when it comes to upgrading from a mechanical hard disk to a faster, more rugged solid-state disk (SSD). There,
Dell charges £359.98 ($716.12) more to upgrade from a 120GB disk to a 64GB SSD, while Apple wants £639 ($1,271.32) more to swap the stock 80GB disk
for a 64GB SSD on a Macbook Air."