Jesus loves you! Everyone else thinks your an asshole.
try Jesus, if you dont like him the devil will always take you back.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.
I wish my lawn was EMO, so it would cut itself (:!
I actually KNOW Jack #.
Shoot First Security: We ask questions......later
Urban Sprawl -- Cut down all the trees and name streets after them.
When the Rapture comes, can I have your car?
Keep Honking, I'm reloading
Gun Contol Means - Using Both Hands.
Drugs Lead Nowhere - But It's The Scenic Route
Where The Hell - Is Easy Street?
Jesus Is Coming - Look Busy
Driver Carries No Cash - He's Married
On a SUV full of screaming kids .... "I suffer from a sexually transmitted disease........ Children!"
license plate holder on cop's motorcycle:
"smile, I could be behind you"
Gun control is - hitting what you aim at.
Democrats make better lovers. Who ever heard of a good piece of elephant?