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Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11 "Our job was to document event"

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posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
Its obvious these mossad agents were following the 911 hijackers.
They knew well in advance the plans, but decided, like the US government to keep it quiet.

Except the U.S. government wasn't caught driving a phony "Urban Systems" moving van "packed with tons of explosives!"

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 02:11 AM
If you just look at the basic facts of the war we originally went into Iraq because of the Weapons of Mass Destruction story. Nobody has ever traced this story back to its original source. Jay Rockefeller was the one that went before Congress with this WMD story. The Rockefeller family are Dutch Jews. They own Chevron Exxon which used to be called Standard Oil. The Rockefellers also created the CIA in 1945. ALL of our Intelligence Operations during the Second World War were run out of the Rockefeller building in New York City.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by vanosman
Micheal Chertoff, aka head of DHS cut them loose after 2 months ! Maybe this was reason Bush made him head of DHS ?
Because Chertoff's mama was #1 first Moussaud Israeli agent ?
and Ben Chertoff was editor behind Hearst Publishing of the Popular Mech. Debunking 9/11 Myths . Cited no source other than "Un-named Senior Pentagon Official" yet hypocritically puts burden of proof on others to cite a credible source to contridict claims that defy physics and common sense.

PM Mag cleaned house after 9/11, fired most editors and staff. Military recriut ads, ect increased 400%. Hostile takeover ?

Historical fact - William Randolph Hearst faked the news story of Spanish attack on American ships which prompted a war.

Yellow journalism - Britanica defines Hearst as example of this propaganda news.

It's amazing how little people actually learn from history, isn't it?

If people actually paid attention, history might not have to repeat itself. But as it stands -- no, history still repeats itself. Over and over and over.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 06:53 PM
Here is a great video that talks about the dancing Israelis and AIPAC's influence on America:

just flagged this thread, thanks for posting it!

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 07:40 PM
Why hasn't the video/film these Israelis secured from the event ever been released? If these guys were Arabs or any other nationality or religion for that matter, this story would have been in the news for months and the video/photographic evidence would have been shown to the public immediately. Did the story and their allegedly damning evidence get buried immediately because they were Israelis?

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by GoldenFleece

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
Its obvious these mossad agents were following the 911 hijackers.
They knew well in advance the plans, but decided, like the US government to keep it quiet.

Except the U.S. government wasn't caught driving a phony "Urban Systems" moving van "packed with tons of explosives!"

They where released and allowed safe passage to israel after having been detained and failling lie detectors test.Also concerning the owner of the front company mr.suter a 9/11 suspect all the FBI had to say was "Israel is not obliged in anyway to assist" (The u.s has gone to war for less).Earlier the fed's/cia also interviened after Suter was convicted and ordered out of the country 2 months before 9/11.

Those are some strange ties between the FBI ,CIA to have with a israeli front company for wich these dancing ,celebrating israeli's "happen" to work prior to 9/11.

The whole 9/11 ordeal stinks and reeks of fraud.

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