posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 06:32 PM
Greetings from a smaller, rocky island about 300 miles to your SW. Well, at least you have acess to Cuban radar, huh? I use it a lot for my own
personal weather forecasting.
Be safe, keep in touch. Rains a heck of lot more there than here. We could use a little nudge of a frontal boundary, should you happen to get your
hands on a secret directional wx device. ;o)
Y'know, we're just burning with questions, don't you? m'Bride and I have been watching the skies for 13 years now. We've seen things.
Nothing freaky, just unexplained things, but not as much as I'd think for a place that has zero air pollution and very little light pollution.
I've gotten fairly adept at Caribbean cuisine. Lemmee know if I can help y'out in any way.
Cheers from Cayman