posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 06:47 AM
This may sound a little cliche to say...
but it's all a lie, and they are all liars.
It's just a suit and tie shake hands and smile charade.
We have no idea who's really running the show.
Maybe we'd hate to know.
Because even though I embrace some alternative theories about who really controls the world, and have had some experiences myself that showed me it
(society the way most people percieve it) was all BS... I often think that it would frighten me even more to think that nobody was running the show,
and that we're all just fooling ourselves, controlling ourselves, hating ourselves, fearing ourselves. I don't truly think it's a simple
But I'll now answer your question.
Change is what happens. Words are the opposite of that. Words may inspire change, or we may think they do, but in reality, change happens regardless
of whether people talk about it.
Of course we need change. It's what makes existence happen.
By simple explanation... I mean you could just take the "easy way" out and realize that we are all one and this is just an illusion (which as just a
concept, it's a little hard to confidently say without the actual experience, so it's not so simple then), and that whatever happens around us in
life is a reflection of our own inner turmoil...
But if you're looking for an expressly mundane socioeconomic BS blanket statement like ya know "it's because of crop loss in Namibia combined with
OPEC and the Jews and The Dow Jones Average", you're basically not looking deep enough. There are layers. There are those who want money. There are
those who want power. Fame. Drugs. Women. Those people are the ones we see. Then there are those who have bigger reasons for doing things. They see
this as a spiritually necessary thing to do because for whatever reason, they decide to go messing with forces they have absolutely no idea about, and
it consumes them and they actually believe that this is right. Sacrificing millions in bloody combat is okay if it saves the Earth from being
destroyed by Hell's Forces. Obviously exaggerating, but here it is. The only truth anyone willing to listen needs to know about politics and
governments is that they are never in our best interests, and it doesn't matter if your president is black, doesn't matter if she's a woman, or a
very religious person, or a baby kisser, or a yes man, or a complete arrogant prick... they are there to save face. The reason they are recruiting
Obama this season is simple. He's black, and ya know they wanna show that America is in the right direction by like reminding people that "we
stopped using slaves 150 years ago! Good for us! Look, we even gave a few of 'em mansions and political positions! We're forward thinkers!"
But we're not. How do you know your government is a lie? Simple. By being lied to by your government constantly.
The proof is in the pudding. What if nobody voted this year? That's impossible because people are still led to believe (enter mantra here), but just
think of the power we could have as citizens if we stopped fighting about all the petty stuff we do?
There's a simple solution, and that's for us to band together as a human race and not be afraid to say "No, I disagree, and if that means I can't
have a Coca Cola tomorrow, I can't have food or water the next day, and I die the day after from a bullet to the head... I'm not afraid anymore.
I've been pushed too far, and none of your bull# makes me blissfully ignorant anymore. It just makes me angry!"
Dammit, you've got to get angry! I want everyone in the room... to stand up...stand up now! Stand up and scream "I'm mad as Hell, and I'm not
gunna take it anymore!"
Enjoy my most likely fruitless blurb.
[edit on 29-6-2008 by dunwichwitch]