reply to post by Alien_Question
Nowhere did I state that I do not consider that there is an 'evil alien agenda taking place'. I do not fear something that cannot harm me.
If my last post was enough to confuse you, I doubt the validity of all of your claims as truth. Infact, I doubt the validity of 'every' claim
coming in a fear-spreading-manic form or forms of expression. Nowhere in this post have I perscribed to any doubt regarding to this 'alien agenda'.
I will not however, feed this idea with my fear and empower those who wish to control others. Thank you for your time adressing this issue,
I highly recommend anyone who is in denial of how fear can be used to control, think.. Fear is the prime motivator for control, therefore; it is
spread with falsity. When people do not fear, they will not allow themsevles to be controlled or attempt to control others. If people are not fully
expressing love, they have 'other' modivators for 'helping'. People only control to get what 'they' want, again, think.
Lies and control go hand-in-hand, and it is in itself a form of control.
Those who seek to control others, as part of the regime, will spread false information. You can't control people with the truth because people
hardly usually beleive the truth anyway
Think of how many people in your life put a 'bad-tint' or 'exagerate' their words to others. Its something that we do in our 'court of law' in
an attempt to 'persuade' and 'convince' others to beleive us.
Bottom line;
Fear=control=lies=Do not trust information infused with fear.
Its like reading a book and only looking at half of the pages. How do you know whats going on when you refuse to look at the other half of the book?
Most of what you've read in the first half has been skewed to fit your own perspective of the 'ending' of the book which you did not even read yet.
This is a flawed view.
What you might 'fear' might actually be something that turns out to be the great benefactor in the ending of the book, so to speak. If you doubt
that, then your still only reading half of the book. Because, if something really 'horrible' happens how do you know how the effects it could have
on us thousands of years in the future? There is nothing to fear, but what you fear itself. If we do not cooperate, they cant use and abuse us, I
would rather die than be oppressed and controlled and I will not die for a coup filled with fear. Look at ghandi, he did not allow his fear to
control him. RIP and thanks ghandi.
Fear is a choice, just like love, and fear usually stops effecting a person when they drop control(in their lives and others)and realise there is more
to everything than living in fear and other worlds of information will open to them. Fear is a mechanism that was meant to be used to 'warn' us of
danger... not a mechanism that was meant to be used to totally take control of our lives, living in contant danger.
I have respect for the draco... They have mastered fear-based control and manipulation. Maybe its time we take a lesson from them and stop being
slaves. wake up.
Just look at the title, its nothing but nonsequential fear based psychobabble. No offense intended, only pointing out the truth.
[edit on 28-6-2008 by DarkCyrus]