posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 02:10 AM
Science has become a belief system as opposed to a procedure for defining the operation of the universe.
People have come to place their purpose and life's values in the explanations of modern science and our own theories - people are using science to
fill the gap of religion - and as such, many theories and concepts are treated as fact far before they are able to be verified by the scientific
Example: the Big Bang.... "In the beginning, there was nothing.... which exploded...." - yeah, we've got a few more things to work out there.
But By-Newton, the Big Bang happened, and is where our universe came from. How dare I mock and question the intelligence of a bunch of monkeys who
have been studying the universe for one-one-millionth of the time their planet has been around? What authority do I have?
Similarly, this goes into UFOs, Extra Terrestrials, Ghosts, Possession, etc. It endangers their system of values and beliefs, thus they will deny it
in the most simple ways possible.
Furthermore, it hits home on a very human level.
We are screaming to the stars "Is anyone out there!?" - and the mere thought that there would be beings that come down and draw pictures in the
crops, poke and rape us, then bugger off without so much as a "take me to your leader" makes us feel like we are some sort of interstellar prank -
some hangout for celestial teenagers to go get their kicks and grins.
That idea just pisses us off, that we aren't even worth being formally acknowledged. Many among us will simply dismiss it simply for that reason.
It doesn't make sense because we place so much value on social interaction and life, in general. We assume a completely alien intelligence would do
so, as well.
And, of course, governments will dismiss the claims. They recall what happened when things like "War of the Worlds" were aired - people freaked the
hell out. Any sort of "Yeah, aliens exist, here's a craft we found, and an autopsy we did..." would stir up all kinds of panic.
Many of the stories are also rather disturbing. Watching one of the programs on History International, right now, they are talking about
abductions.... and living in the country, I know what it's like to be in the dark and confront some unknown creatures of terrestrial origin, and how
that can freak you out....... I can't imagine an EXTRA-terrestrial, INTELLIGENT critter greeting me in the dark (or light), alone, would scare me
#less. After my experiences in the military (limited as they are), I've gotten pretty good at managing my fear and apprehension.... meeting an ET
would only be remotely "comfortable" for me if I was in a large group of people meeting one of these things completely separated from any gadgets it
And I'm sure most people can hear these accounts of other people and it's rather uncomfortable to consider that such things could actually happen,
so they are simply dismissed.
It's just easier to say "you are imagining things" than to actually seek to fully explain the phenomena. Complicating the issue is the apparently
random nature of the phenomena, which makes capturing it on video or still photo a "shot in the dark" - especially when you consider that the
phenomena in question would likely disable our primitive devices if they deemed it necessary.
Further complicating this are people who hoax claims - especially groups that claim to have hoaxed various pieces of evidence. They make denial even
easier for all parties.
What it all really boils down to is that some people will believe anything you show them, and others will never believe anything you show them if it
conflicts with what they believe. There isn't much that can be done about it, aside from crashing a UFO onto their front lawn.