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Letters in the dark

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posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 08:39 PM
Alright, now I'm puzzled.

About 2 weeks ago I was lying in bed, and the room was completely dark. The only light was from the television down the hall. I had been lying there for about an hour, when I just happened to look out the door to the hallway. When I did I saw 2 letters stacked on top of each other, they were backwards "C" and "E" underneath. The E was more of a rounded shape but not quite a "3."

Then this afternoon while taking a nap, the room was quite lighty, and I saw this same letter stack again, this time on the living room ceiling. Same letters same configuration.

When I see these they are almost like it was burned into my eye. These have no waking meaning to me, and now that it has happened twice, I wonder if they are a message or of significance to something?
Does anyone have any idea what this could mean? (besides that I am losing my mind)

**If this has already been answered, forgive me. I did a search and only found a few threads pertaining to the number "23".

If this is in the wrong place please feel free to move or direct me to where it should be.**

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 11:36 PM
I have experienced a number phenomenon like this myself. On a couple occasions I have woken up and seen words and numbers written on the walls. It always has happened in my bed after waking. You are not alone....the 23 thing is taken from a movie and really holds no value.

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by Soulstone

Thanks for the reassurance that I am not the first to have this happen...

But what still bothers me is that:
#1 I had not been asleep, the first time I saw it
#2 the letters were backwards and had no seemed meaning
#3 now I have seen it twice
#4 I have seen it at night and during the day

Just seems more than coincidence.

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 12:46 AM
Do you wear contact lenses? Some of them have numbers/letters 'etched' into the edges of them so you can see if they're reversed or not. Acuvue contact lenses have the numbers '1 2 3' etched on the outer rim.

Also, what size were the letters you saw? Ie, were they a constant height as measured by degrees of your visual field, or a constant height on the surface you saw them 'projected' onto? Were they blurry, or sharp? What color were they; did they luminesce?

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 02:27 AM
reply to post by Ian McLean

Nope no contacts here. just my eyes...

When I saw this in the hallway, it would have been around 2 or so feet high total in comparison. When I saw it today it would have been maybe a foot total in size. It seemed to take up about 20%ish of my line of sight. Very noticeable They were very sharp, and almost a brownish color, like when you have dark "floatys" in your eye type of color, almost burnt in, if that makes sense.

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 02:47 AM
reply to post by Cheyracingchick

Oh well so much for that theory.

You mention in your first post that they were seemed almost 'burned into your eye'. I assume that means that they shifted and moved around as you moved you eye, staying within the same relative position (eg, distinguished from something actually fixed in place on the wall)? What did it look like when the letters/symbols went away? Did they just disappear all of a sudden, or fade out?

There's three rough categories of explanation: external (like something actually projected on the wall), entoptic (coming from within the eye itself, like floaters), or perceptual (like hallucinations). I dunno, you seem fairly sane and if this is your only hallucination, it seems a rather boring one. What are your theories?

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by Ian McLean

As much as I try to keep my sanity, one by one the yard gnomes steal it away...

They were only visible in those places and did not move. When they went away it was just were there then not. zkinda like a light switch, on and off. I tried to blink it away numerous times but it wouldn't go away. Each "vision" would last at least a full minute.(doesn't seem like long but it felt like it was)

They were not external, there is Nothing that could or would have projected it, (unless the aliens were testing out a new advertising campaign, anyone else thirsty?
If they are Entropic, I have not the foggiest idea how it became in my eye, I have never seen it before, and as above it didn't move with my eye or float up or down.
I wouldn't think it would be perceptual simply for the fact they happened at different times in different conditions. I was not under the influence of any medications, alcohol, nor was I overly tired...(If I was I agree with you and wish it would have been more exciting

I am at a total loss with this one.

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by Cheyracingchick
As much as I try to keep my sanity, one by one the yard gnomes steal it away...

Yes, beware the yard gnomes! Why do they need those pointy hats?? You've motivated me to figure out how to upload an image to ATS: I saw this earlier this morning, before I read your post, and it made me laugh:

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by Ian McLean

Lol That is priceless

Thanks for taking the time to upload it for me. Definitely brightened my morning.

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 02:36 PM
To complicate things worse for myself I decided to look up ancient alphabets to see if I could find similar characters. The closest I found was Georgian and the letters "V"(backwards C) and "E"(backwards, almost "3" looking E) were as close as I could find from the 106 languages!
Then, for giggles I went to a Georgian dictionary to see if the letters matched up at all. It doesn't. There are no Georgian words that look anything like them, *they write left to right, not up and down too* so there kills that theory... darn.

Sigh... back to the drawing board.

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 07:49 PM

I figured I could atleast give a representation of what I saw... I am Not Picasso. I know...

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by Cheyracingchick

Is it that or could it be 'WU' tilted on it's side?

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by Soulstone

It could be, I guess.
But that doesn't make sense to me either.
Why would it be sideways, or written upwards?
Not sure what WU would mean.

Good thought though, got my wheels a turnin'

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 10:12 PM
Or what if the symbols represented something? Instead of trying to spell out something, they could be symbolic for something else.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 12:15 AM
I am starting to think this too, but for the life of me, I can't find anything that it could symbolize. Any ideas?

Thanks for stickin with this, I really appreciate it. I know I sound difficult at times, but I am just really confused.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 12:47 AM
I'm unsure what it could symbolize. I know that it reminds me a bit of a sygil. Those symbols used in magick.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by Cheyracingchick
I am starting to think this too, but for the life of me, I can't find anything that it could symbolize. Any ideas?

Well when you first described the 'letters', I was thinking more of thin-edged, san serif characters, but your drawing was very different that I was imagining.

I hesitate to tell my own symbolic interpretation, first because they're 'your' symbols, and you should be the one to decide what your 'valid' intepretation is. Second, perhaps my interpretation is a little too personally revealing.

But in looking at your drawing, I was studying the 'negative space', inside the individual letters, rather than the outline of the letters themselves. See what I'm saying? Sort of like that optical illusion that looks either like two faces or a trophy.

To draw down to basic archetype, as is commonly done when interpreting symbols, the interior of the top symbol looks like an elongated mushroom, or 'male' symbol (you know what I'm saying). And the interior of the bottom symbol looks like a receptive 'female' shape, with the indentation on the right side of the 'E'... well, something approaching.

Perhaps I've been reading too much Jung/Campbell? Anyway, I would also agree that the font looks vaguely Cyrillic.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 11:05 AM

Well when you first described the 'letters', I was thinking more of thin-edged, san serif characters, but your drawing was very different that I was imagining.

Sorry, I guess I am not good at descriptions.

I hesitate to tell my own symbolic interpretation, first because they're 'your' symbols, and you should be the one to decide what your 'valid' intepretation is. Second, perhaps my interpretation is a little too personally revealing.

I understand. I have tried to find anything that I can tie this into from my lifem, and can not. Lol as for personally revealing.... I could not even confirm that.

But in looking at your drawing, I was studying the 'negative space', inside the individual letters, rather than the outline of the letters themselves. See what I'm saying? Sort of like that optical illusion that looks either like two faces or a trophy.

Yeah, that makes sense. I hadn't looked at it quite like that, and see the 2 faces, vaugely. That's kinda creepy.

To draw down to basic archetype, as is commonly done when interpreting symbols, the interior of the top symbol looks like an elongated mushroom, or 'male' symbol (you know what I'm saying). And the interior of the bottom symbol looks like a receptive 'female' shape, with the indentation on the right side of the 'E'... well, something approaching.

Perhaps I've been reading too much Jung/Campbell? Anyway, I would also agree that the font looks vaguely Cyrillic.

Thank you for being so open with your ideas. I do see this this as well. If this means I am thinking of ahem... "love" I guess it is human nature, although doesn't seem to fit in to my life. I haven't had any relationship problems lately. I guess anything is possible and maybe I have to wait. If it is a sigil or something they take a while to come into fruition right?

Great Ideas Guys (or Gals

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