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Been on this a site a long time and now I get pics

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posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by gambon

Thank you.

Well, both time in exif and also numbers in filenames show the correct sequence for the animation.

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 09:46 AM
any official word on this now the images have been sent by email? cmon the suspense is killing me

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by Mindsmog

nothing from my end, I sent an email to Jeff Ritzmann asking if they have the raw files and this was his reply

"Yes sir, still under exam for the moment."

talkative eh!

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 02:30 PM
this always seems to happen whenever something with any credibility shows up , what bothers me is no information from ATS part, care to give us normal folks an update? im not gonna let this get buried tbh , i hope this doesnt just fade off

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 05:07 PM
The reason they don't release info until it has been examined is because mistakes are costly when everyone is watching. If they don't dot their i's and cross their t's you can bet that they will cop it far worse.

Give them time, it's not like they're paid for this.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by Mindsmog

Well, tbh ATS just reports the information - they are not the information source. I suspect, like many others, that they will say the pics are legit but not alien.

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by theukbloke

Please be patient. Jeff is burdened down I suspect because of individuals such as myself. I have sent Jeff several full tapes to be analysed because I film nightly and see abnormal occurrances with the normal, and I am only 1 ATS member. I have no idea how many tapes or pictures this man has to deal with, but from me it is several. It is his reputation and expertise that I respect and honor,and I appreciate all the valuable time and effort he will dedicate to help us find the truth with his honest analysis. We just have to be a little more patient.

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 01:17 PM
still a little ' hey guys be patient we are working on it' would have been both nice and courteous from a MOd or springer himself

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 01:50 PM
Jeff is buried with a new house purchase/move, work and all the stuff we throw at him. I just spoke with him and he's working on a preliminary report that either he will post or I will for him.

While I understand people want everything now it's just not going to happen... The people who are doing this stuff for free have lives.

I don't have time to pop into every thread every day and say there's nothing new to report either. When there is new information we ALWAYS get it on the site ASAP, so please let's not get demanding.


[edit on 7-10-2008 by Springer]

posted on Jul, 12 2008 @ 10:12 AM
thank you for the reply
much appreciated , i do realise people have lives I like a few others just wanted to know that the footage had been received etc

posted on Jul, 12 2008 @ 11:08 AM
Below is Jeff's preliminary report.

taken from an email sent to me by Jeff Ritzmann:

As far as the pics out of the UK, I'm at a dead end. Due to the 1 second shutter time, I cant determine much regarding distance and perspective of the lights because they're not accurately depicted due to the exposure time.

Green light is "cleared to land". I'd say seeing the obvious low alt. thats what we're looking at: a low flying jet, or helicopter with jet engines. I don't see the helicopter "prop" that many are seeing, what I see is tail fins always at the correct angle from the two main bright lights. But, can we know for sure if these are tailfins? No. Again, exposure time has screwed us. As many shots as there are, most are worthless for doing anything with. The very first posted shows a structured object not unlike a helicopter or jet. I almost later abandoned the jet idea as the "canopy" most see there is actually a split light strobe/beacon, which is used on Helicopters. It's yellow and white.

However in the end I cant commit to that one way or the other, as the data just isn't accurate enough in it's portrayal due to elongated exposure. On a personal note it doesn't strike me as anything odd looking, and the description of it, if accurate in conjunction with the photos is pointing in the direction of conventional aircraft.

Essentially, I cant commit to any one answer concretely due to lack of usable data, but that I find a high probability of conventional aircraft based on what I do see, coupled with the witness post.

This certainly seems to fit with the majority of opinions and I have to admit it makes sense to me as well. The irony here is that without a long/slow shutter speed you simply can't get enough light into the camera when it's dark.

Assuming this was some "bizarre" aircraft based on "theukbloke's" description, it sounds like something pretty new and exotic. I wonder if we have images here of something nobody else has images of yet?

I would like to thank Jeff Ritzmann for his efforts here and thank "theukbloke" for his excellent shooting and cooperation in trying to discern what these images are.


[edit on 7-12-2008 by Springer]

posted on Jul, 12 2008 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by theukbloke

What intrigues me about the photos is the apparent shape shifting of the object in question. This could be do to different angles and positioning of the craft the reason for the craft looking different in each photo. Rik Riley

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 11:28 AM
Just want to say that I know the OP personally and he is most definitely not the type of person that would have any interest in fakery. Since he's offered up the raw images I can't really see how anyone could doubt his sincerity.

Was it a UFO? I don't know. But I can tell you that these pictures aren't fabricated in any way.

The pictures were posted for this community to discuss them and their possible meaning, instead of which certain members chose to immediately dismiss them as a forgery. This goes against what I thought ATSN was always about. Shame on you.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 09:07 PM
ukbloke-you anywhere near midlands? The craft look anything like this? I just found this vid today.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 11:44 PM
Is there any way to have Jritzman say whether or not the photos were faked or altered rather than just give us his opinion on what they are photos of?

I personally believe TheUKBloke that they are unaltered, and I would like to see him vindicated on that point since he so graciously tolerated page after page of speculation on the possibility of his faking them.

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 12:14 AM
Where there any photos of it when it was behimd the tree? Just curious. It managed to just stay on the fringes, and not go behind the foliage, and I'm wondering if you have any of it behind it instead. If so, could you post them? Thanks!

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by mattpryor
The pictures were posted for this community to discuss them and their possible meaning, instead of which certain members chose to immediately dismiss them as a forgery. This goes against what I thought ATSN was always about. Shame on you.

Please post the comment that said the pics were a forgery.

I'd like a quote and a post number, please.

Thanks for your help and your post.

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 12:40 AM
When the low resolution pics were posted, one member said that the ragged edge of one photo looked strange.

When the high rez pics were posted, the member withdrew that comment.

IMO, the high rez pics being posted initially would have been helpful. However I understand hosting problems.

Immediately another member stepped up and hosted them. No more comments were made about photoshopping or fake picture or anything like that. A few new members made some disparaging coments (people with 10 points and three posts) and the Mods deleted those.

So to say we should be ashamed is disingenuous and at best completely false and an attempt to stir up drama.

Many people were polite and even helpful. The OP was also very polite and accomodating, and I for one, specifically stated that. I see no real problems with this analysis at all, and nothing whatsoever to be ashamed of, from any of the longer term members or the OP.

Thank you very much.

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

Nice video, shame about quality. Is that 2 objects I can see? Looks like they join up

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by beefeater

Just keep in mind that a lot of people are having fun flying Chinese lanterns and RC craft and 'UFOs' are even for sale in hobby shops.

If there were no people having fun with stuff like this, then we could rule that out, but since there are, it makes interpretation more difficult.

Perhaps these were faeries, cavorting across the heather? One sure looked like Tinker Bell.

Maybe a race of tiny aliens, like in the movie, Meet Dave which was having a promo?

[edit on 20-7-2008 by Badge01]

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