posted on Jan, 4 2003 @ 01:07 PM
I watched an interesting documentary on British television about secret Saudi detention and torture of dissidents & foreign subversives. Even with
overwhelming video documentation shown to him, the high ranking Saudi spokesman DENIED EVERYTHING, whilst being interviewed!
Nothing new under the sun, when it comes to control freaks whose power has intoxicated them into a delusional state of Nirvana. Power, control, greed
and bigotry may fuel the mentally, emotionally and politically unstable to grasp for ever more gold rings because they're convinced that they're
untouchable. Delusional thinking to say the least, reminds me of Nero, Hitler, Pol Pot, Edi Amein and too many Popes to name.
Lies upon lies, maintaining control and abuse through power and control - ah, such is all a part of the human condition.
So how can these fundamental issues be addressed and changed? That's truly the bigger question and challenge for all mankind.
Peace Y'all,