posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 10:51 AM
Yeah, I got that static thing too, I'm sure it was from the web site.
The only time it moves is when the feed slows down or speeds up, meaning when the cars go from moving slow to fast, the stargate moves too. So, I
think it is just the video feed speed changes that makes it "appear" to move.
What I enjoy about this is that we will know for sure one way or the other and this won't remain some unsolved mystery.
I seriously can't imagine this is anything other than either; a) the cameras site focus thingy getting reflected back from its protective plastic or
glass shell. or b) something on the protective bubble.
I like the idea that it looks like a "stargate" "hey Twigor, I'm going to St.Louis for the weekend, what are your plans? Well, Zearenx, I have
to stay on Selon, my in-laws are coming.
Well there goes the feed...Now its about Arch Bishop somebody or another.
[edit on 27-6-2008 by Res Ipsa]