posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by whatukno
what....yeah, I forgot about crucifiction....maybe worse than fire? Seems agonizingly long, and painful. No great blood loss, to allow the brain to
die first.....but then I think, the human body has a 'shock' reaction to trauma. Perhaps blood flow to the brain would be restricted, thus
alleviating the victim form most of the pain sensations??
Is there a Doctor in the House??????
EDIT....oh dear! The way I spelled 'crucifiction' is in no way a commentary on....well, you can catch my drift. I did not correct the spelling,
because I thought to invite .... commentary.
Actually, I do not know the corect way to spell it. "Crucifix", I've seen. My partner is Catholic (don't get me started, we don't discuss
I try to be tolerant of all views.....excxept Scientologists!! They just Grind My Gears!!!
[edit on 6/27/0808 by weedwhacker]
I also should have corrected 'corect'....ah, too lazy!!!
[edit on 6/27/0808 by weedwhacker]