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Obama's Birth Certificate Confirmed VALID!

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posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

Hello! Do you have anything to say about Obama's birth certificate?

Perhaps you should start a thread to address your concerns and not continue to post off topic in this one.

I would love to address the points you have made, but I won't do it in this thread. This is about Obama's birth certificate.


posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 10:04 AM
Open apology to Benevolent Heretic

I wish to apologize for my earlier post requesting documentation of lies by Obama. I don't know if that post was the reason, but since then there have been several posts entirely off the topic of this thread.

That earlier post has been edited to remove the request, just in case it is the impetus.

Mea culpa, I'm afraid...

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 12:05 PM
I can't believe his birth certificate is valid. If it is and if he becomes president. (a long shot at best) He must realize that he has to be president to all of the citizens of the USA, but it would be a total disgrace if he allows his beloved friend pastor Wright into the White House. God help us.

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by SaviorComplex

you know, you are by far the most racist person i have seen on this board, LITERALLY in every response you post, you call someone a racist or a bigot because they don't like Obama

here's a way to look at it. not everyone likes the same people, and just because they don't like one person DOES NOT mean they don't like everyone that looks like him. things are not as cut and dry and as simple as that

you are making baseless claims, i have HONESTLY not see one person say they don't like him because he is black, or for that matter say anything that could even be REMOTELY looked at as that. i wish you could get banned for pulling the race card, you would be #1 on the chopping block i think

let me say this again:


and the CoLB has NOT a damn thing to do with race, it's the fact that to people that aren't head over heels for man, it looks suspicious

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by SaviorComplex

im not obsessed with a damn thing, i simply think it doesn't look like an authentic document, trust me im not loosing sleep over it. because in the end it doesn't matter this is just a puppet governemt controlled by a much larger and much more dangerous organization.

i just want to see the TRUTH, whatever it may be. i don't want to see something clouded by racism, or over zealous support, i want to see PROOF with REAL (note: not the BS that is floating around here) EVIDENCE that can be backed up by people that have expertise in the field.

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 12:40 PM
Obama is half white. I think calling him only black is racist. But I think Obama would destroy what is left of this country. Why can't someone good run?

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

damn, look at that back peddling, that right there is something to take note of fellas, that is how you are SUPPOSED to back pedal.

edit to add:
the reason i want to KNOW whether it's a real document or not, is because if it's fake and he willing to lie about something like that, then im afraid of the other things he would be willing lie about, that are much easier.

plain and simple, it's all about credibility, IF this document were to proven fake, it would prove at the very same time, beyond the shadow of a doubt. that he is a liar, and i don't want another liar in office.

[edit on 6/28/08 by SRTkid86]

[edit on 6/28/08 by SRTkid86]

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by A TRUE AMERICAN

you're right, i think it's stupid... so why does it get brought up everytime someone says they don't like Obama?

edit to fix spelling

[edit on 6/28/08 by SRTkid86]

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 12:51 PM
Obama's Birth Certificate Proves He's Not From Earth

Barack Obama's real birthplace is, in fact, planet Lappa IV, located in the Alpha Quadrant and inhabited by a splinter group of the Ferengi species, who have developed a highly collectivist culture based on the principles of socialist acquisition and redistribution of wealth. According to conservative commentators, the Democrat presidential hopeful's home planet is governed by the Central Planning Committee made primarily of the State Board of Expropriators and Liquidators, who offer prayers and sacrificial offerings to a Blessed Taxperson in hopes of entering the Divine Pork Barrel upon death, and fear an afterlife spent in a Subsidized Housing For the Common Good they legislated and financed with public money.

[edit on 123030p://bSaturday2008 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by SRTkid86
reply to post by A TRUE AMERICAN

you're right, i think it's stupid... so why does it get brought up everytime someone says they don't like Obama?

edit to fix spelling

[edit on 6/28/08 by SRTkid86]

Cause that's all they got!

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by SRTkid86
damn, look at that back peddling, that right there is something to take note of fellas, that is how you are SUPPOSED to back pedal.

I'm not back peddling at all. I have never claimed that I can prove that the BC is authentic. OR that we at ATS can prove or disprove it. I have said just the opposite, in fact. Only professionals could authenticate it.

Ms. Okubo DID say it was valid. I did not. I CAN NOT.

the reason i want to KNOW whether it's a real document or not, is because if it's fake and he willing to lie about something like that, then im afraid of the other things he would be willing lie about, that are much easier.

I totally understand this. Just FYI, I would not be surprised if Obama lies about something. I have never known a politician who never lies.

IF this document were to proven fake, it would prove at the very same time, beyond the shadow of a doubt. that he is a liar,

I agree. And since it hasn't been proven fake, and there is no other proof that he is a liar, beyond the shadow of a doubt, people are SO invested in making the BC "fake" so they can "prove" that he's a liar and have a valid reason for their hatred toward him.

It's really sad to see how strongly people who don't give a flip about John McCain's Birth Certificate are so bent and yes, obsessed about Obama's. Why is that?

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

i was just jerking your chain about the back pedddling thing

and the only reason that i can think of, besides he is white (lol), is because he was born on a US military base (correct me if im mistaken here) and i believe that a military base on foreign soil is the same as a Embassy, it is technically US soil, just in another country.

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by SRTkid86
and the only reason that i can think of, besides he is white (lol), is because he was born on a US military base (correct me if im mistaken here) and i believe that a military base on foreign soil is the same as a Embassy, it is technically US soil, just in another country.

So you could be mistaken? In fact, you are. Have you even looked into it? Do you care? It's a HUGE unresolved issue in the Internet. Check it out:

According to a State Department manual, U.S. military installations abroad cannot be considered "part of the United States" and "A child born on the premises of such a facility is not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States and does not acquire U.S. citizenship by reason of birth."

Why do we just accept that this is taken care of? Why aren't people asking about this? Could it be because we trust the State Department to know how to do its job and we don't think they'd be STUPID enough to let a person be president who was NOT eligible?

Why don't we trust them, then, to do the same with Obama?

Washington Post

The New York Times
The American Voice
Can John McCain Be President?

If you Google John McCain's birth certificate, you will find DOZENS of stories on it.

Washington Post

One person who disagrees with that premise is New Hampshire resident Fred Hollander, who has filed a suit in U.S. District Court claiming that the Republican candidate is "not a natural born citizen." In an attempt to prove his argument, the 49-year-old computer programmer filed a subpoena last month seeking McCain's birth certificate.

The Department of Homeland Security, which oversees citizenship services, declined to hand over copies of the document, saying the subpoena was improperly served.
Curiously enough, there is no record of McCain's birth in the Panama Canal Zone Health Department's bound birth registers, which are publicly available at the National Archives in College Park. A search of the "Child Born Abroad" records of the U.S. consular service for August 1936 included many U.S. citizens born in the Canal Zone but did not turn up any mention of John McCain.

Are we talking about this "conspiracy" here on ATS? No. Why? Why don't the people who are SO ravenously going after Obama's birth certificate care about John McCain's circumstances of birth? He was born OUTSIDE THE US! Does he even have a birth Certificate?

You see how this witch hunt for Obama's "real" birth certificate doesn't make sense?

[edit on 28-6-2008 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by SRTkid86
you know, you are by far the most racist person i have seen on this board, LITERALLY in every response you post, you call someone a racist or a bigot because they don't like Obama

Actually, I spelled it out clearly for you. I have never claimed anyone was racist for simply not liking him, disagreeing with him, or planning to vote for McCain. I said in this issue specifically, the hysteria is born of racism.

Originally posted by SRTkid86
the CoLB has NOT a damn thing to do with race, it's the fact that to people that aren't head over heels for man, it looks suspicious

Sorry. Do not insult our intelligence by thinking we would accept that lie. This would not be an issue if he was not the son of an African immigrant who happened to be lapse Muslim. It has everything to do with race.

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by SaviorComplex

that is your racist theory.

and yes, you have said "racist and bigoted fantasies" prolly 20 times

you can continue to think the worl is racist and hates black people, that is fine. but this isnt the 1800s. black people have all the same rights as anyone else, and often times they get special treatment just because of their skin color

and no it wasn't brought up because his dad is "african" looks like it was brought up because someone said that without a embossed seal, it is not a valid BC, his has not even a smidgen of evidence showing an emobssed seal, or a signature... now sure those two things could have been done so lightly that you can't see them in a scan. but i just think that is a convinient excuse for it is all.

i have nothing against you, but every post i have seen from you in the two threads i have read around here, involves you talking about how it's racist this, and bigoted fantasies that. if you want me to give your arguments more credibility, leave the racially charged comments out of it, and stick to the facts.

you should change you name from "saviorcomplex" to "racialcomplex"

[edit on 6/28/08 by SRTkid86]

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

yes, i could be mistaken, i honestly had no idea until a few days ago that it was even an issue, and just haven't thought to look it up yet, i was giving you my theory, and said correct me if im mistaken, you did. and i believe everything you said about it.

so please don't try to make it sound like i just don't care because he is white, and i care because Obama is black and has a funny name.

I care because i saw that his was under scrutiny more than McCain's now that i know it was an issue with him as well, i will at some point in the near future research it and form my own opinion on the subject. like i normally try to do with everything that interests me.

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by SRTkid86
so please don't try to make it sound like i just don't care because he is white, and i care because Obama is black and has a funny name.

Don't put that crap on me just because you're having an issue about it with someone else. Okie-dokey?

I have never said anyone was racist or bigoted because of their dislike for Obama. That's not my deal.

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

hehe, im just saying it's not like i don't care, it's just that i haven't had a chance really since i found out it was an issue to look into it, so i just posed my best guess at what may be causing the problem for one, and not so much for the other.

sorry, everything jumbles into one big post for me sometimes.

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777

Barack Obama's real birthplace is, in fact, planet Lappa IV, located in the Alpha Quadrant and inhabited by a splinter group of the Ferengi species, who have developed a highly collectivist culture based on the principles of socialist acquisition and redistribution of wealth. According to conservative commentators, the Democrat presidential hopeful's home planet is governed by the Central Planning Committee made primarily of the State Board of Expropriators and Liquidators, who offer prayers and sacrificial offerings to a Blessed Taxperson in hopes of entering the Divine Pork Barrel upon death, and fear an afterlife spent in a Subsidized Housing For the Common Good they legislated and financed with public money.

I knew there was something strange about the guy, but I just couldn't put my finger on it! The truth is finally out thanks to stormdancer.

[edit on 6/28/08 by LLoyd45]

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by SRTkid86
and yes, you have said "racist and bigoted fantasies" prolly 20 times

You're right. I have. Because this whole issue of born of fantasies that idiots believe will prove he was "born Muslim" (which these same idiots think will disqualify him from the Presidency), or that he was born in Kenya (which these same idiots think will disqualify him from the Presidency), or that he may have changed his name at some point from normal white-sounding "Barry" to scary foriegn-sounding "Barack," (which these same idiots think will disqualify him from the Presidency) or that he inexplicably changed his middle name from Mohammed to Hussein (which these same idiots think will disqualify him from the Presidency).

Originally posted by SRTkid86
you can continue to think the worl is racist and hates black people, that is fine. but this isnt the 1800s. black people have all the same rights as anyone else, and often times they get special treatment just because of their skin color

Yes, they have the same rights. However, your refusal to acknowledge that racism exists and that "special treatment" often includes discrimination, demonstrates you seem to have a special resentment towards blacks. You suffer from a severe lack of intelligence if you think the world is a utopia, as you suggest, for blacks.

Originally posted by SRTkid86
and no it wasn't brought up because his dad is "african" looks like it was brought up because someone said that without a embossed seal, it is not a valid BC, his has not even a smidgen of evidence showing an emobssed seal, or a signature...

This proves you have not been following the issue. Those are issues that racist bigoted idiots brought up later, after the Obama campaign they refuse to accept the proof provided to them when the birth certificate (get ready for it) did not fulfill their racist, bigoted fantasies. The whole reason they demanded to see it IN THE FIRST PLACE was born of racism, because without a single shred of evidence, they believe it will tell them he was born someplace else, that he was born a Muslim, or that he changed his name.

Originally posted by SRTkid86
i have nothing against you, but every post i have seen from you in the two threads i have read around here, involves you talking about how it's racist this, and bigoted fantasies that. if you want me to give your arguments more credibility, leave the racially charged comments out of it, and stick to the facts.

The facts are, this issue is born of racism. The facts are, no one is demanding this of John McCain. The facts are, that is because Barack Obama is black. The facts are, those who are so desperate to prove this birthcertificate fake, the ones who are demanding it, think he has something to hide because he is Black, he was born of an immigrant who happened to be a lapse Muslim. Facts are, they hope to prove all sorts of things related to his birth, race, and heritage that have nothing to do with his ability or qualifications to be President.

So far, you have refused to tell us why you hope to prove it is fake, and what you think his "real" birth-certificate will say. Please, tell us what you think he is trying to hide.

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