reply to post by primamateria
Your a cheeky bugger prima .somethings tells me your sharper than you let on ! Sukhoi ,hornet whatever . The russians use this tech too . Their
fighters are way better than a lot of the US stuff .
I am reliably informed we just dont need the seasprites because the Cigar tubes work much better . You see them on manouveres a lot here . Cloaked
most of the time , but they run nav lights at night . Its funny to see the only thing uncloaked over your house is a nav light .
I love How sherpa twists my words to make it sound like I get all this stuff out of the library ! Shant bother indulging him anymore .
Only aussies get their questions answered from now on .
Anyone who lives near the MANY bases here will blithely tell you its unusual not to see one. They dont want to appear ignorant after all . If you
want dumb spin you post at ATS and give it five minutes .
The tech is manafactured both here and off world. nano is capable of doing all sorts of stuff that ordinary hardware cannot do . It can solidify
,dissappear , seep away and come back again . Its infinitely programmable , can take any shape or form. Imagine the possiblities of that kind of tech.
Infinitely portable , extremely hard to detect because so easy to disguise ! Well the best place to hide stuff is under people's noses .
The bases are 99% underground but here's a clue , vertical escarpements make great hanger bay entrances . Thats why so many people report seeing
UFO"s 'crash into the side of them. River valleys make good bases .
And yes ,catflap is an old fashioned euphemism for star gate /wormhole.
Not all those bright flashes at night are conventional lightening storms .
And yeah ,altairian chicks are so HOT . Oh baby !
So we shant worry about those who have not seen and cannot afford to know to much .
So stupid . If the Gov admited aliens existed tommorow and showed a few pictures the debunkers would still howl for more proof . And why should we
share classified tech info with spooks .Duhh !
If you go through any town with a base , we leave all sorts of blatant clues on street corners .
By the way ,i am not sid cotton , he's 'dead'. In a manner of speaking...
Cheers ..
Ps , I will try and get all these questions answered but I tend to forget when there are so many .