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FOUR Napalm bombs were attached to the fuselage

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posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 03:53 PM
since our rape-triot act was put into force, i think the geneva convention is as good as a drink coaster. isnt that part of the agenda they use to not try our men (as unfortunately misguided they may be, and not of their own doing) for war crimes? and please dont get me wrong. i support our men and women who are doing what they are told in other countries. im just extremely against the lies and agenda that put them there. in iraq to guard the oil. in afghanistan to make sure the flow of heroin doesnt stop. all mostly without their knowing. im sure if alot of the troops were shown alot of what we have to gather knowledge from, there might be some problems. but back to the topic, ive never seen napalm bur, but i can only imagine that thermite would do a better job.

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by blackthorne
in short, our government is run by men and women. they are human. and when it comes to humans and power, mankind will always find a way to exploit those who are on the bottom for their own ends. yes, even our own people. why do so many still believe in the " it can't happen here" philosophy is beyond me.

Our country has been and is currently being run by monsters. Period. Human beings without a shred of conscience or character. A total waste of human tissue.

[edit on 12/18/2008 by anonymousATS]

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 04:39 PM
that is the ending statement and driving force behind just about any question asked here. couldnt have said it better if i took 3 weeks to do it.

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