OK, this is seriously eft
right here ya'll...
Maybe I'm jinxing it, but maybe I'm infecting the fields too, which accounts for the synchronicity...
Last night I spent an hour looking at Tesla Roadster videos on youtube
trying to find one that would convince a mechanic friend to do a conversion to an electric car using an old pick-up truck or something...I seriously
fantasized about sitting in one and pulling some Gs, flying by the local rednecks with there stinky noisy beasts they are always messing with and
cursing at...I almost drooled, I focused like THE SECRET suggests, law of attraction and whatnot...
I got an email this morning from a software guy who works for Tesla Motors, he came across my screen name tesla2 at a website we both happen to be
members of.
With a rare degree of humility in a skeptic, he asked to know what in the realm of FE I was working on.
He's got a BS in physics, so maybe just maybe he will see the validity of my claims for the AIR, both versions even, and then maybe...he could
convince the folks at TM to invest the few thousand it will take to answer the question, "will it work"?
You don't know until you try; I've never actually gotten to the point of prototyping something for real, so my confidence, like Tesla's is based on
eidetic imagery...I could be delusional, but it works in my mind.
I emphasized that as far as R+D goes, as far as alt energy goes, the AIR may be based on "exotic" or even occult physics, but the materials cost
like, $200 max - its a low risk, high reward endeavor, I just lack tools, facillities and expertise in basic electronics, all of which Tesla Motors
[edit on 28-6-2008 by Akkaeneset]