posted on May, 15 2004 @ 03:24 PM
PS- I THINK the process is called transmutation, I could be wrong. Although some would argue that matter had a beginning with ENERGY, it always comes
down to the fact that energy in itself has a degree of mass, therefore it is matter as well to an extent, thus the scientific community's belief that
matter can not be created nor can it be is coupled with energy and can be coverted into energy...but since the type of energy matter
creates has substance or comes right back to the fact it it would not have had mass had there been no matter in it, thus energy is coupled
with matter...just remember that if energy came first, then how did it come to did it have mass...why does it contain matter?
More proof of this, Enstein, his theories proven, Matter
per say, in our knowledge, cannot be created or destroyed.
Matter can be converted to energy, and energy into matter,
but the total amount of matter and energy
in the universe remains the same.
If you take a match,and burn it,
and were able to capture the light,heat, smoke, and ash,
it would equal what you started with.
Knowing this and looking to Enstein E=mc2.
Energy=matter X speed of light squared.This equation E=MC2,
is used to measure the energy formed when matter is converted
into energy. It proves a creation or start.
This is proven in the making of the A and H bombs.
This proven fact shows matter cannot be destroyed,
only changed or converted in mans knowledge,
according to the rules as set forth by god for man.
Using plutonium to make a bomb,the splitting of this atom,
to make 2 other atoms of lesser atomic weight,
the difference converted into energy
this according to e=mc2.
All the matter that ever existed in the universe is still here...but it exists in different forms than it did when the universe was
if you want to get into a religious reason, I think matter and energy came from God, since I'm sort of religious...I'm ashamed to say I'm not
practicing, but I still believe in it...but rest assured the law of physics remains the same and only human opinion and interpretation changes since,
although the vast scientific community agrees that matter can neither be created nor destroyed, there are some who disagree because it goes back to
the big bang theory (this is my scientific side, not my religious side) in that not everyone in the scientific community agrees on what existed first
during the big bang...matter or energy...and since energy, when you get right down to it, is expelling matter to create a result, then I believe as
does the vast majority of the scientific commuinty does, that matter came first AND that matter can not be created or destroyed.
[Edited on 15-5-2004 by Hard Red]