posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 05:21 PM
Hi all fellow ATS’ers
A friend of mine sent me a photo he took, whilst he was working in Portsmouth in the UK. The photo was taken whilst facing North, the photo was taken
on a Nokia N95 mobile/cell phone, which has a 5 Megapixel camera. The photo was taken around 1000hrs British Summer Time (BST) on 24/06/2008.
My friend was accompanied by a work colleague at the time. The reason he took the picture was because of a weird arc like pattern in the cloud
formation above, which can be seen in this linked picture below.
And another in the sequence, without the UFO
The UFO is not in this picture but it gives you an idea of the motivation for taking the picture. My friend took several photos of the arc pattern in
the clouds, As well as those posted above.
It was not until he uploaded the photos to his computer, that he noticed the black anomaly slightly left of centre in the picture.He thought it was
strange and he sent me the picture and asked me to post it on this site. He could not, due to the nature of his employment.
Two other points of interest in the picture linked below are the CCTV camera in the bottom left and the TETRA mast bottom centre of the picture. Well
my friend, who will monitor it anonymously, my friend and I would like to know what you guys’ and gals’ think and your ideas on what it may be.
Finally the picture with the possible UFO.
I hope you find this interesting.