Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
I'd just like to open up a can of worms here and ask why an act is good.
what criteria makes it good?
is it a divine criteria?
if it's a divine criteria, is it good because the divinity deems it to be good or does the divinity say it's good because it objectively
I'll address this inquiry from a spiritual perspective.
Those acts which lead to increasing one's ability to expand one's soul in the nonliving and infinite Light on the Other Side (i.e., indicative of
Frequency Quotient), and/or be able to stay on that high level of expansion in The Light (indicative of Stability Quotient), and thereby find
long-term contentment, are inherently good
Souls, which are a form of energy, are only temporarily in the flesh. They do not find any lasting happiness on the Other Side unless they are at
least on a basically spiritual dimension -- the fourth plane in the traditional seven plane paradigm -- in The Light. Those on the lower levels -- the
first, second and third planes -- are in a constant state of emotional degradation and frustration, depending on the individual's karma. They remain
there until they learn what "good" is and also find the value in cultivating it.
Evil contains the seeds of its own destruction.
We are all held accountable for our actions and even our intentions. No one ever truly gets away with anything although it often appears that way on
This Side because we don't see karma played out on the Other Side.
If we incarnate into a depraved culture, we are still responsible for our actions because we chose that culture in the first place
Life is very important because how we have lived our life largely determines how far we can go into The Light.
Near Death Experience Research Conclusions
On a more basic level, we can determine what is right and what is wrong through our application of
The Golden Rule.
Murders and rapists have a hard time determining what is good and what is bad because they have severely damaged their
god spark that is used
to understand the difference. So for the spiritually retarded, determining what is good is in itself very hard for them to do.
Conversely, those who strive to live moral lives of selfless service to others, improve their
god spark and find it much easier to determine
what is good and what is bad.
Whether we believe it or understand it, we are all judged by the Universal Law which governs The Light on the Other Side. It is there that we have no
choice - if we are objective - but to understand what good (or lack thereof) that we have done with our lives, to learn from our mistakes, and to
strive to pay back those we have harmed or mistreated in some way.