posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 07:46 AM
I'm glad so many people are taking an interest in this, its amazing to have scientific conformation that meditating actually has postive physical
effects on the brain. I wonder if there are any other noticable benifits, circulation, oxygen intake, digestive efficiency etc... fascinating.
To the people who have trouble quieting their minds to meditate effectively, your not alone and it can take a long time to master your own thoughts.
I'm not there yet by a long shot, but reading articles like this certainly give me encouragment.
Leapoffaith, I think what you may be talking about is the pineal gland which has long been associated with the metaphysical.
This gland resides deep within the brain and is not one of the parts talked about in the article, which pertains to the grey matter of the cerebral
Good luck with your efforts everyone, lets make our brains bigger!