posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 03:49 AM
If any gamers here have been living under a rock for the past few days here is the news: Diablo 3 is going to be announced this weekend at the
Blizzard Worldwide Invitational.
How do we know this?
Blizzard in the past 3 days has been updating a splash image on the frontpage of their website, which can be viewed
This image is of an icefield cracking slowly in the center. On the outside runes from the Diablo universe have been slowly appearing. So far we have
Hel and an unidentified newcomer that only appeared in the past half hour.
There are several fanforums that are working on deciphering the puzzle. One has discovered that the words Tundra and Cavern are embedded in the html.
FROZEN TUNDRA and ICE CAVERN were 2 areas late in the Diablo 2 expansion.
Also, the filenames in which the runes appeared are numbers such as 1 and 9. A maths whiz on another forums has concluded that somehow (I can't
understand his maths for it) the 2 runes so far identified equal D and O. He said there would be 4 more to come that would equal I A B and L. The
third rune just appeared but so far I can't match it to a rune.
For anyone wanting to help crack the puzzle,
here is an image list of the runes from Diablo.
So far we've matched the top left and top right symbols. The bottom left is so far unmatched.
Basically, all this puzzling viral marketing means is that: