posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 09:39 PM
Howdy Byrd, long time no read
I apologize in advance
[....weakening.....going into woo mode...I cannot resist]
It's a hoax.
[You have to say that because you are part of mainstream coverup]
* There's no such thing as paleo-Hebrew
[Its right on that rock! Open your mind to new discoveries]
* Hebrew didn't have periods in sentences until the 1500's
[That's what THEY want you to believe, the ancients used acoustic, higher vibration periods which we won't be able to see until December 2012]
* The Jews don't hold the 10 Commandments in any esteem (they view them as "divisions" of the Law) and never carved them on anything.
[Not in this dimensional time flow perhaps, however, I know someone who channels a cat that was owned by a dissent Jewish leader who held this belief,
there cult was called טוּמטוּם]
* The version of the 10 Commandments on the stone is Protestant and not Catholic (original version of the Bible). Protestantism didn't exist until
the 1500's.
[obviously you've brought into the lies of the Catholic/reptile empire - wake up!]
* The rock was recently carved (within the past 200 years.) You can tell because the inscription lines are much lighter than the rock.
[These Hebrew ancient had advanced rock cutting technologies, they had cydonaut sponges, which clean a rock and using hyperdimensional physics to make
the lettering, both on the rock here on earth but also on Mars - at the same time]
[woo mode off]
[edit on 24/6/08 by Hanslune]