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Bill with billions in health plan cuts passes House

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posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by burdman30ott6
...many Canadians come down into the states to seek treatment, partly because of the wait times for diagnostic procedures in Canada and partly because of more physicians in the US.

You guys are also victims of a massive propeganda campaign by those who want the HMOs to remain in control of their health care. Do the math...subtract what goes out in profit from the cost of your health care, and that's what the country should be paying.

People justify private health care by citing the inability of the government to do anything in a fiscally responsible manner. Isn't it wiser to demand properly administered, government Universal Health Care, than to p1ss away 30%-%50 of the health care costs on profits to people who work even harder at avoiding paying tax on those moneys?

My cancer cure cost me $48. My wife's night in the hospital due to allergic shock...iv's, xrays, ultrasounds, the 'cadillac' treatment they called it...and all follow-up...cost her $7.00. Both fees for parking.

You guys can carry on all you like, but you're not gonna convince me you've got it better. But read it in a magazine, right?

self edit by my wife who adds that we are middle class folk who pay premiums through our personal taxes, and our employers contribute the other portion. We're not talking hand-outs...but for our family, we pony up about a grand annually. It's geared to income, those who earn less, pay less. Nobody gets shuffled off to another hospital cuz they don't accept the card we carry.

[edit on 25-6-2008 by JohnnyCanuck]

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by marg6043

Now my 22 year old son can no longer be added to our insurance as he is not in college and is uninsured after all the taxes we pay, is that fair?

Do you honestly understand how stupid that sounds?

Oh we pay taxes and he doesn't have health insurance!

OK .. Try giving him money for a $100 policy (and thats a good one for a 22 year old..) instead of complaining that you need to pay more taxes to give him socialized medicine!

HOW in the WORLD do you think that it will be better for him to get supposed "free" health care? The taxes HE alone will pay, coupled with YOU paying should be enough to buy him the worlds greatest policy.

Those babies are going to need medical care no matter how much we debate here.

We will disagree there. Health care is not a "right". It's a privilege that many abuse.

Ever been to a ER room? You would get my drift.

Tell your son to hop on the internet, find a policy, get a job, and get over it.

Because when it comes down to it, people simply don't want to pay for health care.. they believe that it should be free, that their lazy ass inept inbred families deserve to have someone else take care of every responsibility they are faced with.

I know. Like I said, I work in the health insurance industry. Every time I get some dumb # punk on the phone bitching about how $250 is to much to insure a family of 4 because it's really the governments job to give them something for free, I bang my head with the phone and wonder how a Nation of self wallowing imbeciles somehow managed to become the World only super power...

And then I remember how it's the few and the responsible that carry the weak and the inept.

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by JohnnyCanuck

You guys are also victims of a massive propeganda campaign by those who want the HMOs to remain in control of their health care. Do the math...subtract what goes out in profit from the cost of your health care, and that's what the country should be paying.

Keep the blanket statements to yourself please, some of us are rational. I don't say this to be rude, but civility will go a long way, even when others might not be.


People justify private health care by citing the inability of the government to do anything in a fiscally responsible manner. Isn't it wiser to demand properly administered, government Universal Health Care, than to p1ss away 30%-%50 of the health care costs on profits to people who work even harder at avoiding paying tax on those moneys?

I understand your point and tend to agree, however Canada has approx. 33 million people in it and the health care system certainly has problems and (of course) needs constant attention.

That's about the biggest country I can think of with a single payer system. Now take that and apply it to America, which is approx. 301 million and growing steadily. The problem then becomes vastly more complex, much more expensive, and much more.

You guys can carry on all you like, but you're not gonna convince me you've got it better. But read it in a magazine, right?

self edit by my wife who adds that we are middle class folk who pay premiums through our personal taxes, and our employers contribute the other portion. We're not talking hand-outs...but for our family, we pony up about a grand annually. It's geared to income, those who earn less, pay less. Nobody gets shuffled off to another hospital cuz they don't accept the card we carry.

I'm glad you are getting the care you need.

I am not saying we have it better, but I don't think you fully grasp what a single payer system could do in this country. Anyone who has ever dealt with the Federal government on ANYTHING knows it would be probably the worst choice this nation could do simply because of the way it's set up.

My idea is to provide for freedom through State's Rights. This was the intention in the first place, but we've become rather nationalized now so those are the only solutions people think much of.

Should a state adopt a single payer system, they could and provide for their citizens.

Should a state not and wish to go for a private system, well the private insurance racket is already required to license and follow each state's laws as it stands so no change needed.

This would provide something more like what the smaller nations have. Smaller numbers of people to maintain, increased quality in spending, increased access to reps, increased transparency in spending, etc.

It's not perfect but I think it's a start.

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

In your alternative version of America perhaps life will fit you nicely, but in real America that is were real people lives, reality is by passing you, so actually is very sad how out of touch you are with your fellow human being around you, or perhaps in your world everybody is self sufficient, just pray that you will not have to suffer like many millions of America families in this nation that goes everyday without health care.

Deny ignorance don't spread it.


posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by marg6043

No, actually Marge unlike some I don't consider it my personal crusade to "help fellow humans" all around me to get a fulfilling sense of self righteous public servitude.

I am what I am because I made my self become what I wanted to be. I have no inclination in my soul to forsake everything I have done to help those who never even tried to make a stand for themselves.

The weak are weak because they unlike they rest decide that to take charity and hand outs from those who didn't wallow in self pity are far better ambitions then making something of themselves!

No seriously Marge carry on in your mission to save the planet. Those you help will only look at you with utter disgust as they will always expect more, more and more. Give till your at their level, suffering and starving because in your own twisted mentality the urge to supposedly help your fellow man who didn't give a rats arse about you to begin with will only leave you in financial and emotional ruin.

Give all you can Marge, feel good about it, feel good knowing in your false illusions of reality the people you help give a damn. Think all you want you can make a difference.

Leave my check book out of it.

Hell Marge let's just throw in the towel with this sham of a Capitalistic society. Since you have such a dire urge to give all your worldly possessions so some fat white trash piece of crap can pop out 3 more kids to collect an even bigger rebate check come tax time, let's just redistribute wealth, tear down the corporations, and live in a communist community. We can all wear light blue jumpers, shoes with no soles, and bandannas that indicate the jobs we are supposed to preform, living in 400sgf brick apartment complexes and fed vile crud from the bottom of a barrel at the local food pantry.

And until you show me your tax documentations that show that you are so willing to hand over another 20-30% of your income to the poor, the ignorant, and the mentally unstable I will only think of you as a hypocrite, full of promising words without the nerve to act on it. Then again, that wouldn't exactly make you any different then the other bleeding heart liberals, living behind closed gates, private communities and as far from the troubles of society that money will take them.

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
reply to post by marg6043

Leave my check book out of it.

This is what our country has become. Forget the safety and well being of your neighbors. God forbid you can't afford all your nice #.

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by drwizardphd

That was an unfair and very narrowminded comment, dude. Do some research, NOBODY is more charitable than the United States. I get really tired of constantly hearing about "Greedy Americans" when, in reality, if we were as greedy and uncharitable as we're frequently painted, the world's needy would almost certainly die. Our prosperity as a nation has been shared generously, and without fail it's never enough. It gets just a little bit old to give, give, give, never hear a single "thank you!" from the world's poor, and instead hear "more, more, more!" and then AFTER giving still more we get the ever popular "America is just a bunch of greedy fat capitalist pigs!" from the world.

Honestly, it is probably the leading reason I am opposed to all foreign aid from our taxes. If someone is dumb enough to continue giving their money to people clearly ungratefull for it, then that should be their personal decision... not one mandated by the government through a tax system that is quickly becoming more about wealth redistruibution on an international scale than about funding the operating costs of our system.

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 02:48 PM
I find it almost second nature to pay and help my own fellow citizens when it comes to healthcare,sure you will have the leeches who bleed it dry,but then you will also have the people who are genuine and need help,some of the attitudes to poor people around here is pretty shocking.Its not just money,its the whole ideaology that surrounds(usually) the estates etc that poor people reside,its a vortex and slowly sucks you in and leads to crime,bad behaviour etc etc..Anyway im happy that the UK helps its people..even if some of them are leeches.

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by Lethil

Don't you worry, does that share with other fellow human beings get rewarded, those that spread intolerant and none sense rants is an old say that goes like this,

What goes around comes around, life is full of surprises and nobody is exempt of its ups and downs.

[edit on 27-6-2008 by marg6043]

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by marg6043

Hollow words from inaction but hopeful outcomes..

My guess would be you don't donate the same amount as you would if you paid for the NHS. And I would hazard a guess you would be among the rest complaining about economic difficulties when you have no money to spend.

You can still feel good about "thinking" of doing some good.

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