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What happened to the hippy thing?

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posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 12:11 AM
I was a hippy for 2 or 3 years, and I remember enjoying those 2 years quite a bit. It definitely was an improvement on what I remember about my high school.

So why did it go wrong so fast?

On the PBS broadcast that I watched here in Canada, it was clear to see from the video that some of the "hippies" were role-playing.

So what went wrong? Was it just a fake idea, or was it something much better?

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 12:52 AM

Originally posted by droid56
I was a hippy for 2 or 3 years, and I remember enjoying those 2 years quite a bit. It definitely was an improvement on what I remember about my high school.

So why did it go wrong so fast?

On the PBS broadcast that I watched here in Canada, it was clear to see from the video that some of the "hippies" were role-playing.

So what went wrong? Was it just a fake idea, or was it something much better?

Well, a lot of the answers to this question, depend on what you define as the 'hippy thing'.

My understanding of the 'hippy thing' is based on my Australian experience, which was sort of spawned from the US I guess.

In Australia the hippies were basically seeking alternative belief systems to those they were 'encouraged' to adopt from their parents and other authority figures; which included exploring meditation, psychedelic drugs, health foods, caring for nature and the environment, opposing nuclear bomb tests, and opposing war generally.

Most hippies had a goal of moving back to the country areas, getting self sufficient, and demonstrating a better way of life.

A lot succeeded actually, and many live in the hills all across Australia.

I think they didn't fail, as today Australia is hugely into alt health, alt belief systems, organic agriculture and environmental awareness - well compared to the 1960s and 70s anyway.

But one interesting thing did happen - is that a lot of the kids that were spawned from the hippy generation, wanted little of its actual lifestyle - and moved back to the cities. I know a lot of these folk, and although they abandoned the bush and rustic lifestyles, a lot of them did bring their desire for health foods, peace and respect for nature back into society with them.

But like I said, I guess it all depends on what people define as a 'hippy thing'. I can only talk from own experience back the 70s, when I grew up with all sorts of hippy friends.



posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by droid56
I was a hippy for 2 or 3 years, and I remember enjoying those 2 years quite a bit.

What did you do, or how did you act, in those 3 years that you would call yourself a hippy? What's different about you now that you wouldn't?...

On the PBS broadcast that I watched here in Canada, it was clear to see from the video that some of the "hippies" were role-playing.

You mean they were clearly posers? Or that they were clearly playing D & D?

So what went wrong? Was it just a fake idea, or was it something much better?

Ultimately the hippy culture, like any sub-culture, is out of alignment with the pop-culture. So really the question comes down to how you feel about the idea of your popular-culture?..

[edit on 023030p://24u36 by Lucid Lunacy]

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 06:10 AM
the Hippy continued on their path,

the wannabe hippy became engaged with a political revolution instead of a cultural revolution, so a majority flaked off to the SDS or other movements like the weathermen & weatherunderground...and then into mainstream political parties like liberal democrat

the doper hippy also flaked off on their own trips to either a physical or psychological oblivion.

the role player hippy returned to the mainstream, pop-culture arena.

the hippy that was immersed in ecology(aka Mother Earth), spiritual transcendance, the human community instead of material gain are still out there, some are living in Eco-Villages and similar communities.
And most don't want to save-the-world or be disturbed by curiosity seekers


[edit on 24-6-2008 by St Udio]

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