posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 10:05 PM
As we're born into western society, we're immediately directed towards cultural norms. Many of us go to school, ‘learn the ropes’, get a job in
a cube, and partake in all the intricacies of a lifestyle that can be strikingly uniform across the developed world.
It’s one of many lifestyles that is
often seen as unbalanced with regard to
the ideal conditions for the human entity to thrive. (interpret as you will, this is subjective territory!)
We’re often left asking what could have been, what should have been, and what could still become concerning our lives. And so perhaps it is with
all lifestyles, that every person to walk this earth sifts through an establishment of paradigms, eventually differentiating their selves from them,
and asks these questions.
I am asking what it is that people here feel they’ve lost in order to be in their own ‘civilized’ world, and what
activities/hobbies/habits/mindsets they’ve developed to fill (or close!) the gap. As most readers are westerners, the responses should indicate, in
general, where a westerner might place his or her focus (or assign
importance) in the
pursuit of a balanced lifestyle (whatever that means to you). My response will follow this post.