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A Scientific view of RV

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posted on Mar, 6 2004 @ 02:37 AM
Firstly, most of my concepts and ideas are taken directly from a hard copy of "REMOTE VIEWING WITH THE ARTIST INGO SWANN:NEUROLOGICAL PROFILE, ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHIC CORREALTES, MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING (MRI), AND POSSIBLE MECHANISMS", an extensive paper by Micheal A. Persinger, W.G. Roll, S.G. Tiller, S.A. Koren, and C.M. Cook. [pgs 927-949] I have scans on deck, but nowhere to put them.

I learned under Dr. Persinger, so I have a few old hardcopies lying around. Tonight/this morning, I was reading the one listed above. The idea put forth goes as such: All humans and objects in the earth's geomagnitc field interact in one way or another. Mankind's brains all emit an a fairly strong electromagnetic field (for an animal, at any rate), allowing them to interact with it more directly. Combined with our cognitive powers, we have effectively a 'sixth sense' lying in wait. Think about it- we could know about anything or anyone on the planet if we developed such an ability. Dr. Persinger actually gave a fairly good concept of what its like for people who have tapped in. it goes soemthing like this:

Imagine a world were everyone is deaf. Now, imagine that a single person can hear. Eventually, he or she develops this ability to teh point where they can recognize people, sounds, objects by the nosie they make, anticipate and extrapolate their locations. No one would have any idea what it was, because the concept of hearing was so out of line.

Now, under the assumption that one may tap into the geomagnetic field (consciously or unconsciously) and determine the locatiosn and possible actions of something, could one not anticipate the causal chain leading up to a certain event? If one could read a person's intention through the interpretations of their brain activity, could one not also 'read' it through their interactions with the geomagnetic field?

My belief, based upon this theory of remote viewing, is that diviners of all sorts used their foci to help 'enter' the geomagnetic field and extrapolate these potential outcomes, locations and whatnot. Also, these findings were around since at LEAST 2002, when Dr. Persinger and his associates performed a number of tests on Mr. Swann, with surprising results.

What does everyone think?


PS- I am aware that this is a reposting, and that's bad. I just don't think this got the attention it deserved.

posted on Mar, 6 2004 @ 04:16 AM
i think you have an interesting idea here. it definately makes sense that if a person had an extra sense, nobody without that sense would understand.

kinda off topic, but this kinda relates with the way i can easily explain the idea of a fourth dimension to people. imagine if you were two dimensional, like existing as a stick figure on a sheet of paper. your dimensions would consist of forward-back, and up-down. if something happened involving the third dimension, like cutting the paper or punching a hole through it, being a 2 dimensional being, you would be able to conceive of it or comprehend what was happening. i think this would explain a lot of paranormal things as happenings in the next dimension.

your ideas tie in well with the holographic universe theory, you should check it out link

posted on Mar, 6 2004 @ 07:31 AM
Yes how awesome it would be if we were able to tap into this field and access the information there. It would just be like a dog seeing a rainbow and all the other dogs cant see it and dont know what it was.

If only we can access this great potential we have with ease.

posted on Mar, 6 2004 @ 09:05 AM
Well, apparently, it has to do something with 7hz spikes in the occipital lobe of the brain, in both slow wave and complex patterns. As well, Dr. Persinger found that Mr. Swann was more receptive to circumcerebral magnetic stimulation (That deal where they put magnets up agaisnt certain parts of your head and trigger them in certain patterns).


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