Ok here it comes.
One important aspect of this is the following:
A thought + an emotion = a belief. Remove the emotion associated with a thought and it will not make sense or feel real to you anymore. It will feel
alien if you properly remove the emotion that your subconscious associates with it.
There are numerous ways to to do this, so you change your beliefs and eliminate psychological reversal. I will name the free ones here.
EFT: This is a popularly used method where you can remove trauma and emotions connected to thoughts. You do this by using a statement that
describes your belief and tapping meridian points. It is similar to TAT and TFT etc..
ESR: (Emotional stress release): This is a simple technique that we often use unconsciously. Whenever you are feeling stressed or down. Focus
on those feelings that you are having at the moment and place your fingers on your forehead about 1.5 inches above your eyebrows where the slight
protrusions are. Within 1 minute your feelings of stress and upset about the subject will disappear, more than often never returning again.
BSFF: This is an advance version of EFT. What you do is read some instructions out loud to your subconscious mind and assign a cue word. Your
subconscious will carry out these instructions, eliminating whatever emotions or beliefs you have told it to eliminate by directing your attention to
it, and saying or thinking your cue word. Lifelong trauma's can be eliminated with this method.
Zpoint process: It's very similar to BSFF, but with a different twist to the statements being said before the cue word, and the way the cue
word is being used. This one is powerful when used properly and I have actually been able to use it to change the way other people behave in their
interactions with me.... Yes.. I did say change other people's behavior.
And then there is the method Skyfloating has mentioned once in one of his threads which you can see
IMO it's one of the most powerful exercises any one of us can do. If done properly, you can bypass the need to use any of the above mentioned
exercises. It is similar to the Borrowed Genius method of Win Wenger, and IMO also very similar to ancient shaman's usage of shape shifting. There
are other mentions of it's use on the internet, but they are difficult to find, because everyone has a different name for this exercise.
Basically the theory is this. There are millions, if not billions of versions of yourself living in alternate universes. There is a version of
yourself for every thought you have had about yourself and your reality. There is a version of yourself who may be a world leader perhaps, and award
winning author, a scientist, a professional athlete, a murderer, a thief, a bum, an alternate self who loves Soca music, who loves alt rock, who may
be gay or who may be straight or bisexual. Who at your age has already achieved everything you desire.
It is obvious that some of the issues that may be bugging you now, would never be an issue for some of your alternate selves. So it's actually a
shortcut, a cheat code if you may to achieving what you want. If you allow it (your life) to change after you do the exercise.
In borrowed genius, people have been able to dramatically acquire new skills, such as learning the guitar or the piano, bypassing obstacles just by
imagine themselves stepping into Mozart for example or Jimi Hendrix, seeing or feeling themselves as that person or as their alternate selves
performing that exercise, dramatically improving their skills in the process.
Furthermore it is possible to step into the skin of other people, feel what they feel and to alter their perception of certain things, including your
self. You can directly influence how people view you if you are skilled in doing this. Yes, this is mind control, and is fully within your power.
And it is possible to alter the reality that you are living in. In fact you will be in an alternate reality the moment you finish doing the exercise.
You will have a changed identity measured by how well you have done the technique Skyfloating mentioned. How well you have been able to silence your
mind to do it. You will have changed yourself (I think being able to do so down to altering your DNA is possible) and the world around you.
See the world as a mirror of yourself. Everything that happens to you or to others around you is based on your identity and the beliefs that that
identity has about reality. If you believe the world is cruel, you will live in a cruel world where bad things happen all the time and you and others
are a powerless victim of your circumstances. Remove that belief and the world will become a much nicer place to live in. Remember... The world (how
people treat you, and how everything happens and reacts to you) is a mirror of what's going on inside you, inside your mind and your feelings. It's
a mirror of your identity. Change your identity and your world will automatically change to accommodate your new identity.
There are lots more different ways to change your core beliefs, but I have only mentioned the free ones here. There are more, one which I have paid
for and used with success. But I will not mention it for now (because you have to pay for it of course :duh
[edit on 23-6-2008 by TheBandit795]