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Terra Papers - I was there

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posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by kshaund

Yes, he was a renegade because he did things like break what Star Trek calls the prime directive, i.e. not to interfer with the development of other races, especially those who are unprepared to defend themselves and over which you have such a clear superiority, that you could essentially destroy them in the process. If you follow the trail of the "Angels who left their first estate" in biblical and sumerian texts (called IGIGI, angels, and/or Anunnaki), you see that this is heavily frowned upon practice. The book of 1Enoch also discusses this, as well.

In fact, the "angels" who are put in the bottomless pit (the star gate in my theory) are put there because of their role in the near annihilation of all human and animal life on the planet

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by undo
reply to post by Amaterasu

If he was a body snatcher, as is suggested by nearly every text on the subject, you'd have him showing up as all manner of living beings. But most poignantly is the fact that reptilians are not all bad. They are a race of angels, called SERAPHIM (singular, seraph), who are reptilian in appearance. Enki just happens to be one that fell off the apple cart.

In reviewing your sources, it would seem they all hearken back to biblical references. And, according to the Papers, the Bible (Old Testament) was constructed to make EA the bad guy, hiding or reviling his teachings.

I do not "feel" that these are valid sources. (For an understanding of my "feelings," please review my thread: - written BEFORE I encountered the Papers) When I read the Papers, I found virtually nothing that did not "feel" right. I saw gaps in information, and areas that were not addressed - but nothing untrue... (Errors in detail, perhaps, like the name of the base as noted above in this thread, but not falsehoods.)

So I am concerned that there is a continuation of the views given in the Bible when I am sure the Bible and its "teachings" are merely a tool of control.

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 08:52 AM
i don't discount ANY of the ancient SOURCES. i take them all very seriously, including the sumerian, akkadian, babylonian, hindu, south/north/central american and egyptian. i feel that discounting one and isolating it out as the only one with no validity is not good scholarship. not that you aren't or that robert isn't a good scholar, but the practicing of discounting just the accounts of the hebrews is not a good practice if you wish to arrive at the entire picture.

[edit on 25-6-2008 by undo]

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by drock905

Has anyone checked statistics on missing children in the USA alone?

I assume you mean the "millions of missing children" . There are not that many kids missing, just sloppy research and people not investigating the issue. 99.99 percent are returned in 24 hours. I see people saying there is a conspiracy of missing children over and over here. There isnt, do some research!!!!!!!

[edit on 24-6-2008 by drock905]

In response to this, please view from March 2008. Annual missing children/people in USA is 859,000 and 'majority' 'never' found. Again, debating details distracts from the point, which is well made in this video. As for research... I do plenty. I also have a degree in criminology and worked as a paralegal for many years. I welcome information that would honestly diffute any/all of this because I set out over two decades ago to prove the NWO did not exist and could only find confirmation that it does. I set out to confirm our soul has ultimate freedom, which it doesn't, just in case we weren't being told the whole truth. Research... I've read well over five hundred books, met dozens of those authors, I have well over 3,000 pages of notes I made on other researchers to weed the good ones from the not so good. So yes, please, provide me with any credible resource that disputes the numbers of missing people annually. I'd be grateful!

[edit on 25-6-2008 by kshaund]

[edit on 25-6-2008 by kshaund]

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by undo

I only discount the things that don't "feel" right, especially when it "feels" as though they were constructed with an agenda. As for the Sumerians, Babylonians, et al, I suspect that they have been interpreted through a biblical lens...

I was amused by your reference of the IGIGI - which I suspect match the Papers' IKIKI, and which, according to the Papers are elite warriors of the ASA-RRR; “The Watchers.” (See my glossary of terms used in the Terra Papers, )

And if the lizard-hearted have been directing interpretations, molding them to their purposes, it would make sense that translations would be interpreted wrongly if they challenge the view that there is one "God" (male) who is to be venerated and dedicated to, that life is for service with rewards after death, and all the other "teachings" that control the "Beast."

I accept the information in the Papers as most close to the truth ("feeling"), and must therefore discount interpretations that directly challenge what is given in the Papers.

But I do not discount your experiences and what you accept. That is your choice. I will not try and change you. [smile]

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 09:28 AM

And if the lizard-hearted have been directing interpretations,

These are a race of beings, who are reptilian in appearance, but it only refers to the seraphim/cherubim. There are many other races of angelic beings. There's no indication they are cold-hearted nor that their brains are still the equivalent of the lower brain. In fact, in most examples I've seen of them, they have elongated skulls with reptilian shaped eyes. Perhaps they are a mix of grey and reptilian, I really don't know. But Enki was ALSO a reptilian. Why is the only statue from his city, a reptilian with an elongated head? You think archaeologists are also on the bankroll of the christians? If you do, you might want to consider the fact that most of academia, including archaeology, is of the singular belief that all ancient texts are falsehoods and myths, including and especially, the bible. They have a hard-on for it. They want so badly to prove it's wrong, that when artifacts are found that support
it, they try to explain it away (they did the same thing with Troy, Gilgamesh and so on).

It's only been in the last 100 years that they've started to dig up most of what they use to say was a myth

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by undo

And if the lizard-hearted have been directing interpretations,

These are a race of beings, who are reptilian in appearance, but it only refers to the seraphim/cherubim.

Again, a biblical perspective...

There are many other races of angelic beings. There's no indication they are cold-hearted nor that their brains are still the equivalent of the lower brain.

I use "lizard-hearted" metaphorically. It refers to the (generally) reptilian (SHETI) individuals who have run this planet since ousting Marduk/Ra. Some humans have embraced the agenda, and they are, therefore, lizard-hearted. I never suggested they lack intelligence, but that they are the ones who have built prisons in the US (and likely elsewhere) than stand empty and that can hold ten times, at least, the number of people we imprison now. They are the ones that engineered 9/11 to usher in the "Patriot" act, that organize "practice runs" in establishing Martial Law...

Have you actually read the Terra Papers...? You seem very driven to present the biblical interpretations over what is given in the Papers, and haven't referenced them that I have seen.

But Enki was ALSO a reptilian. Why is the only statue from his city, a reptilian with an elongated head? You think archaeologists are also on the bankroll of the christians?

According to the Papers, EA (EN-KI) was not a reptilian. As for archaeologists, most are likely in the milieu of christian doctrine, and although not on any "payroll" have had conversations about how to interpret things before arriving at their final choices - and being as the lizard-hearted have a vested interest in keeping the interpretations under control, I suspect their choices are suggested in such conversations.

All this would serve to color the interpretation lens in a color most suited to the lizard-hearted agenda.

If you do, you might want to consider the fact that most of academia, including archaeology, is of the singular belief that all ancient texts are falsehoods and myths, including and especially, the bible. They have a hard-on for it. They want so badly to prove it's wrong, that when artifacts are found that support it, they try to explain it away (they did the same thing with Troy, Gilgamesh and so on).

I do not doubt that many want to disprove the texts (even the Bible), but I also suspect they are "infiltrated..." And the "myths" are moved to be interpreted in the way they want them to be.

It's only been in the last 100 years that they've started to dig up most of what they use to say was a myth

I understand that much of the myths have solid basis in reality. But also that, like the Hebrew that was translated to mean "snake," but could also mean "bronze-like," the translations of these elements has been corrupted.

My take. [shrug]

[edit on 6/25/2008 by Amaterasu]

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 10:07 AM
well, i think it's more than a biblical perspective. for example, in the sumerian-akkadian text ENKI AND THE WORLD ORDER it says:

Grandiloquent lord of heaven and earth, self-reliant, father Enki, engendered by a bull, begotten by a wild bull, cherished by Enlil the Great Mountain, beloved by holy An, king, mes tree planted in the Abzu, rising over all lands; great dragon who stands in Eridug,

This isn't the only reference to him being a "dragon". The dragon, as depicted in that time frame is long and slender, frequently depicted standing upright and often in connection with the entwined serpents that some feel depict the double helix DNA strand.

I saw a sumerian artifact that Sitchin claimed depicted Enki creating Eve. It was definitely a god, as it had the god headdress on, but its arms and feet were shackled. It wasn't creating anything. It was in trouble. I don't know what the text said that went with it, if anything, but that "god" was bound. And all around him were snakes, there was also another being holding a snake with three heads, and another holding two tridents which looked a great deal like the three headed snake but it was stiff, rigid, like a trident.. Weirdest artifact I've ever seen. If anyone happens to know what the accompanying text of that is, what's it called, where it was found, i'd be interested in hearing what the texts say about it.

[edit on 25-6-2008 by undo]

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by undo

Hi Undo,

I would like to know what your take is on the spheres that surround EA's shoulders. What do they represent, are they planets, ornamental or something else entirely? Rarely is anything included in an ancient sculpture or image that has no meaning so I'm very curious.


posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

my theory is those are gemstones or crystallized scales that are specialized, larger than normal. what do you think they are? if you think of an egyptian pharaoh's appearance while looking at him, it does seem like they modelled themselves stylistically, after the appearance. the knobby gemstones being most obvious around the neck, upper chest and shoulders, being similar to
this maybe

the neckpiece representing the bumpy things

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 11:03 AM
This is supposedly EA warning Atrahasis of the coming flood. the thing marked with the "?" i believe was the gate symbol.

i have a couple pages in an ebook on the subject of the hourglass symbollism being a gate reference (for the depiction of a wormhole). you can read it here:

[edit on 25-6-2008 by undo]

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by undo

Very interesting undo. Allow me, to fan the spark of neural curiousity in the minds of the curious.

It is without a doubt, grey aliens are looking for something when they pull the conscious form (spirit) from its mortal bounds. That something maybe a marker from the past running in the bloodline or imprinted on the spirit.

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by undo

Thanks for your answer of the spheres. I'm not really sure what they are but I am surprised that there isn't more information on them. My first impression was planets (perhaps the ones that EA may have also ruled over?). Perhaps the star system from whence they originally came? I really don't know but I do see the similarities to Egyptian imagery/symbolism.

Regarding the image presented in your next post:
It could most definitely represent a dimensional gateway, or even a black hole.


[edit on 25/6/08 by InfaRedMan]

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by Peepers

interesting question, especially since we can't determine (at the street level) if they are clones, humanoids or robots or some other artificial life form. there's also the question if they are interdimensional, physical, or what.

[edit on 25-6-2008 by undo]

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by undo

I experienced there presence and three of them examined my conscious form which had been floated up and into a round room where one looked deep into my consciousness and reported back into my mind, you are a by product of a botched abortion.

This same one than produced a device, held it up for me to see, than placed the device on my left jaw area and began draining my life force from my left side.

They were looking for something and took something from me with no explanation. Examine all alien experiences (filter out the BS ones) and you will see they are looking for something, collecting data, analyzing the captured subject.

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

oh so like the idea the breast plate of the high priests, being a representation of the tribes coming from different planets?

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 11:51 AM
here's that artifact that sitchin says depicts enki creating eve.
i don't think that's what it is at all, but if anyone recognizes it and
knows where it is listed, and if there's an accompanying text, would
appreciate it if you would link it in the thread

[edit on 25-6-2008 by undo]

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by undo

Indeed - quite possibly! I hadn't thought of that angle but you could very well be right!


posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by undo
here's that artifact that sitchin says depicts enki creating eve.

Sitchin claims it's Eve but is it possible that it could also be Lilith?

Shock Horror!


posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 12:00 PM
THe image of Enki (EA) with a serpent on his address around the forehead looks to me like an identification of the third eye and more mystic than anything else.

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