reply to post by altered_states
I'd be more offended except,
1. I was just kidding, I actually like you Brits because you always do what we tell you. ;-)
2. If somebody from the SAS was about to kick my ass, I'd probably eat a bullet out of my own gun just to avoid the pain, and finally;
3. Being called "stuipid" was almost a highlight for this day... thanks!
reply to post by Anonymous ATS
Would I say it's okay? No. They're on my side, and I hope they all come back safely. But there's a difference between "okay" and "legal," and
frankly, I can't believe so many people aren't smart enough to see the difference. Actually, I think a lot of you are, but you're completely
unwilling to let another great excuse go by to hate Americans. ATS - Exemplify Ignorance!
The fact remains that it's still a bomb, and only a complete and utter idiot would think outlawing bombs in a war would ever be a feasible concept.
Maybe in an absolut world, we can all fight with frickin pillows. Until then, we're stuck using bombs. Unless you know some secret that can bring
about world peace by sundown tonight, I don't think you know of any ACTUAL, FEASIBLE ALTERNATIVE that there's any hope of accomplishing. Go ahead,
feed me some crap about "everyone throw away their guns and just start getting along!"
reply to post by smans
Might I humbly suggest you say something on topic, or start a new thread, which I can skip reading entirely because I've already read fifty other
threads from you people that are exactly like it? But we've got enough "gripe about America" threads, so around here you can put it away and talk
about the legality of thermobarics, okay?
reply to post by die_another_day
Yes, we use them whenever we want. After ending a world war that would have otherwise ended with an indefinite occupation against an unwielding and
imperceptible force (sound a lot like something you clowns rail against daily around here, doesn't it?) with the first two, we sure did go on to nuke
the crap out of soooo many other people. Durr!!
reply to post by carole9999
If you want, you can open up a thread about the CIA/Drug Trade connection somewhere and I can glance over it while I continue to rail on you
anti-american sheep over here in this one.
For the record, I'd hate watching my family be burned, blown up, shot, stabbed, or hit with an airplane. I'm not sure I understand your point,
unless you are ACTUALLY loopy enough to try to make the point that only the people fighting AGAINST the U.S. should be allowed to kill people in a
Oh, and at last I come to the end of this long winded, slightly ironic, and highly humorous post. There certainly are a lot of you people, I can't
help but wonder when you found the time to get so deeply brainwashed. At least I'm willing to admit, repeatedly, that the U.S. is not without its
You lot sound like you could have a blast over in that turban guy's thread about the evil U.S., I'm pretty sure that's the one you want to be
spewing most of this crap out in. This one's about the evil Britain, in case you missed it, and no, I'm not from there (Ironic that I've been
sticking up for the British and was called "stuipid" by one of them for doing so, huh?)
I'm not just being self-righteous here. I know I'm not the best debator but I do know blind hatred when I see it. You know what sort of people spew
blind hatred at other entire countries? Evil ones, who are brainwashed and too lazy to ever go meet people and make informed opinions about them. And
if that's the sort of people you all are, I can't help but wonder why you think you've got any business criticizing anyone else...
ESPECIALLY for using something as unthinkable as figuring out how to make bombs go boom louder in a war!!