posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 11:00 PM
All I can say is Yes, we are really in for it if McCain gets elected, I mean, if he does get elected, then that to me would be America saying yes,
were happy with the way things are going and nope, we wouldn't change a darn thing.. I don't know about any of you men and women, but I cannot take
another year of this crap, much less another 8 years of this kind of control.. Control of our economy, that is quickly putting us all in debt or
foreclosure, Control of our fear, for it is our fear that they are using to control everything else, and using it so well against us that we actually
fear fear itself.. I guess our terrorist guidelines and codes of color for imminent attacks have gone to the wayside because they just weren't really
helpful to anyone, nolr were they useful to the common people, as I said, they were just fear control tactics, and damn if they didn't work for quite
a while. When it comes to electing Senator Obama into the white house, I think what concerns me most, is the fact that many many people that I know do
flat out believe that he will be assassinated within the first six months of his term, and that is scary, because we'll be looking at one heck of a
backlash if he is.. personally, I am just hoping for a lot of change for the better for all of us, because right now, we need it, but if Bush really
does seriously consider attacking Iran just because he thinks it needs to be done, well, then he's got to be stopped, because the very LAST thing we
need right now is to be at war with yet another country that hates us already..
HAGD all.