posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 11:39 AM
Meditiation,derives itself from the word mediate atleast in some circles of study.
Now in some ways the art of meditation is being used by everyone at almosty all times,it is a way to become balanced to create a unity between yin and
yang within ourselves..
Within our life many people have different outlooks on exsistence.In some circles of study in mediative teachings.We find that every action event
thought person place and thing,has energy waves and these waves are like influenceing forces that effect us,bad memories happy thoughts all make up
the general energy forces that we thrive and fall upon.
Now within ourselves we are made up of our memories and experiences,at times bad memories can sometimes make us depressed.Or even good memories caN
make us long for better times.
Many aspects of this form of self alignment go with the ability to create a core self which encompasses our general self,and we use this as a way to
have a foothold in all the different forces that influences us,this is why you will hear stuff like clear your mind and what not when dealing with
this kind of study.
Mantras as some call them are a focus point of energy and concentration usually used in a sort of focus as to let all other thoughts dissolve into the
backgriound,some alos use visionary points of focus,usually in a way as to picture something in your mind.Meditation has many different angles and
aspects of which you can explore self alignment and understanding,but alos goes further into differnt forms of travel and perception of our
[edit on 25-6-2008 by toraylin]