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Obama Wouldn't Be First Black President

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posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by LLoyd45
Well, it's a good thing those days are over. I'd have made a lousy slave. I don't like taking orders, and I'd have been hideless in under a year.

I disagree, i think you would fall right in line., my reasoning is that you being only 1/8th black would probably look very white. so the real blacks would have no compassion for you and you would have no emotional support. kind of a man without a country if you will.
so the easiest path is the one without resistance.

yeah, you would fall right in line "yes massa"

posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 09:14 PM

The best case for Black ancestry is against Warren G. Harding, our 29th president from 1921 until 1923. Harding himself never denied his ancestry. When Republican leaders called on Harding to deny the "Negro" history, he said, "How should I know whether or not one of my ancestors might have jumped the fence." William Chancellor, a White professor of economics and politics at Wooster College in Ohio, wrote a book on the Harding family genealogy and identified Black ancestors among both parents of President Harding. Justice Department agents allegedly bought and destroyed all copies of this book. Chancellor also said that Harding's only academic credentials included education at Iberia College, which was founded in order to educate fugitive slaves.

But he did in fact "know" - Harding's campaign (for the African-American community vote that is) included a picture of his Black grandfather and the slogan "VOTE FOR ME, I'm one of yous...

posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by ObamaMomma

Excellent point!! thinking back- for a mixed race kid high school is a little microcosm of that principle at, can people be stupid and cruel??!! One of the reason's I'm so nutters when it comes to this the Blacks you ain't black enough and to the whites you ain't white enough...thats why I'm down with history and the rest of you can bugger off....and I mean that in nicest way possible

posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by realshanti

Nice source..


Pretty white..

White bone structure..

Still white..

THIS is the supposed guy with the most evidence against him? Seriously?

According to the supposed evidence, Hardings mothers side grand parents where bi-racial from Cuba .. However Hardings mother never exhibited a single ounce of Black genetics .. again, rare as Black genetics are quite often dominate over whites..

I suppose over several generations no genetic evidence would be clearly visible .. I say quite unlikely..

The evidence, while not completely non-existent, is .. more or less grasping at straws.

Why are you people so desperate to have a past president be black?

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 12:17 AM
I'm with you Rockpuck. Nice of these "scholars" to spend their time inserting african ancestors into famous white americans geneology rather than focusing on REAL african-americans who did great things.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by Totalstranger

Clearly I say again - none of you have read the links I posted early on - for me its not a question of "wanting a Black president" as it is uncovering the truth in history- which is why I twice posted the Video interview of Cheikh Anta Diop - one of the greatest Egyptologists /Historian/Scientists of the twentieth century...his work is not about black presidents but about the origins of man and of civilization....and I posted it to put all of this into perspective but as with most of these threads nobody seems really interested in the hard data- the back up for the arguments...or the bigger picture....

and just for the record - I "look" whiter than most of the pics posted so far but my grandpa was of African descent and related to Thomas Jefferson through the Hemmings family (his slaves)....knowing and owning my own history is VERY important to me...may not be an issue for y'all but it is for me, because African and Black History has been so f-ing distorted and covered up....I have to ask myself why that is? ergo I do the research - I read the scholarly works, I watch the lectures, I put the pieces together -
that is all - do with it what you want...I really don't give a rats ass now- no offense..

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 02:24 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Type in JOHN HANSON, and you will indeed see that he was the frist black president as a matter of fact GEorge WASHINGTON was the 16th president

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 03:19 AM

Originally posted by jones492882
Type in JOHN HANSON, and you will indeed see that he was the frist black president as a matter of fact GEorge WASHINGTON was the 16th president

Who, this guy?
John Hanson Portrait

Compare and contrast with:
Barack Obama (1/2 "black")
Alexandre Dumas (1/4 "black").
Alexandre Pushkin (1/8 "black").

Yeah, real family resemblance there.

I think this is the source of the myth:

There are two possible origins for this belief. The first is that Hanson's grandfather, another John Hanson, was an early English immigrantto Maryland; as was common at the time, he worked as an indentured servant on his arrival in the New World. In 1661, his first master, William Plumley, sold his contract to Edward Keene and recorded the contract with the court of Calvert County, Maryland; similar court records were also used to transfer title to land and slaves. But, in six years, the immigrant John had worked his way out of debt, and a few years afterwards had purchased his own small farm


The origin of this myth was that John Hanson's grandfather was a "black slave" - however, this seems to stem from confusion between (European) indentured servants and (African) slaves.

Not that indentured servitude was really that much better than slavery anyway....

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 05:00 AM

Originally posted by Totalstranger
I'm with you Rockpuck. Nice of these "scholars" to spend their time inserting african ancestors into famous white americans geneology rather than focusing on REAL african-americans who did great things.

I love the way you put "scholars" in quotes - I'm so sorry....their credentials not measuring up to your high standards? -

As to "REAL African Americans" who achieved great things - why didn't you put some up??? Maybe you don't know who to look for...why is that? But its a good idea - here ya go
this is a very short list of a VERY big crowd:

Benjamen Banneker -
Lewis Latimer
Granville T. Woods
Garrett Morgan
Otis Boykin

W..B, Dubois
Carter Woodson
George Washington Williams
John Henri Clarke
Ivan Van Sertima

Dr, Daniel Hale Williams - performed the first open heart surgery
Louis Tompkins Wright, M.D
Charles Drew - blood banks and preservation of blood plasma
Dr. Patricia Bath

War heroes
Crispus Attucks -political organizer and first revolutionary to die in the
American revolution
Tuskegee Airmen
Buffalo Soldiers
John Brown
Sojourner Truth
William Carney
Vernon Baker

Great Writers
James Baldwin
Frederick Douglas
Zora Neal Hurston
Alice Walker

Explorers and Pioneers
Dr. Guion Stewart Bluford Jr. - Astronaut
Jean-Baptiste-Point Du Sable - founded Chicago
Estevanico - early explorer of the Southwestern U.S.
Matthew Alexander Henson - Explored the North Pole on all of Perry's expeditions

Thurgood Marshal
James Keith
Clarence Thomas

Sorry I didn't have the patience to put up links and notes on each one but look em up yourself ya lazy bunch of forum lurkers

The idea of behind the OP was first raised by JA Rogers 1883-1966 - He wrote a book called - Five Negro Presidents - born from observation, research and some theorizing - you might call him one of the first conspiracy theorists...

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 05:31 AM

Originally posted by realshanti
I love the way you put "scholars" in quotes - I'm so sorry....their credentials not measuring up to your high standards?

Yeah, so "credible" that the only website posting them is one insanely supportive of "diversity"?

Originally posted by realshanti
As to "REAL African Americans" who achieved great things - why didn't you put some up??? Maybe you don't know who to look for...why is that? But its a good idea - here ya go
this is a very short list of a VERY big crowd:

I don't feel there was a need to, really.

Originally posted by realshanti
Benjamen Banneker -
Lewis Latimer
Granville T. Woods
Garrett Morgan
Otis Boykin

Most of the "invention" claims are refuted here.

Originally posted by realshanti
W..B, Dubois
Carter Woodson
George Washington Williams
John Henri Clarke
Ivan Van Sertima

Carter G. Woodson was the creator of the awful, rife-with-pseudohistory "Black History Month", George Washington Williams was a "proto-Afrocentrist" (yeah, we all know that the Khmers were "really" black Africans :@@
, while Ivan van Sertima is possibly the trashiest "Afrocentrist" historian to grace this Earth.
Van Sertima - the typical "Afrocentric" historical revisionist - declared that the Silures of Celtic Britain (despite Tacitus saying they resembled the Celtic Spaniards) were "black" for Chrissake!

Originally posted by realshanti
Dr, Daniel Hale Williams - performed the first open heart surgery
Louis Tompkins Wright, M.D
Charles Drew - blood banks and preservation of blood plasma
Dr. Patricia Bath

Again, most of those claims are refuted here - Charles Drew was a simple administrator!

Originally posted by realshanti
The idea of behind the OP was first raised by JA Rogers 1883-1966 - He wrote a book called - Five Negro Presidents - born from observation, research and some theorizing - you might call him one of the first conspiracy theorists...

Please - J. A Rogers was yet another proto-"Afrocentrist".

Naw, just kidding:
Hannibal and Cleopatra were black after all!

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by Rockpuck

Come on Rock.. You're showing us a painting of Abraham Lincoln, I gave you an actual photo. Portraits are always kinder to the subject than a camera lens. Why does it disturb you that he may have had some black or possibly Arab blood in him? He was still a great man no matter what his lineage.

That photo of the Eisenhower family portrait does not show his mother in the same light as the one I linked to. There's is no disputing her negroid features in it. She looks a lot like my maternal grandmother, just maybe a shade lighter.

I look very much like Terry Bradshaw, and have been mistaken for him frequently, but that doesn't eliminate the fact that I'm about 1/8th black by ancestry. Sometimes looks can be deceiving.

[edit on 6/24/08 by LLoyd45]

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by ObamaMomma
I disagree, i think you would fall right in line., my reasoning is that you being only 1/8th black would probably look very white. so the real blacks would have no compassion for you and you would have no emotional support. kind of a man without a country if you will.
so the easiest path is the one without resistance.

yeah, you would fall right in line "yes massa"
Nah, they'd love me! I'd remind them of the kindly old massa..

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by Chaoticar

Hey thanks for the clarification on a few of those peeps - very interesting especially from the point of view white folk who seem to be incredibly threatened by the possibility that Black skinned people might have a stake and an actual role in shaping the world- however your complaint about "Afro-centrist" doesn't negate the importance of the contributions of those authors - your "white -centrist" approach is much more disturbing imo and very revealing....spew on, my brother...I don't think we've reached the depths your capable of yet

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by realshanti
Hey thanks for the clarification on a few of those peeps - very interesting especially from the point of view white folk who seem to be incredibly threatened by the possibility that Black skinned people might have a stake and an actual role in shaping the world

Please - where did I ever imply that blacks "didn't have a hand in shaping the world"?
However, there is a line between glorifying a correct history, and using pseudohistory for self-aggrandising ends.

"Afrocentrism" is possibly the most racist historical doctrine in existance today - along the same lines as the 19th Century white "intellectuals" that believed Great Zimbabwe was built by (white) Phoenicians, and the Mounds of the Mississippi Delta were built by (white) Native Americans, or for the inventors saying that (white) Indians developed the concept of zero.

No, just kidding - I'm the racist history stealer because I'm declaring that the ancient Vietnamese were white, and the Olmecs were white.

Originally posted by realshanti
- however your complaint about "Afro-centrist" doesn't negate the importance of the contributions of those authors - your "white -centrist" approach is much more disturbing imo and very revealing....spew on, my brother...I don't think we've reached the depths your capable of yet

It's Eurocentrist - I've been called that enough, even when I refute the spurious claims that everyone - from the Olmecs of Central America to the Shang Dynasty of ancient China - were "black Africans", as opposed to the predecessors of the current Central Americans/Chinese.

Really, you could've pulled out the typical "you're a RACIST!" card, but "Eurocentrist" is so much classier.


posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by Chaoticar

Actually I agree with you regarding "Afro-centrism" and point taken -one of the links I put up is deffo from that genre of thought though it did include some decent data - sometime one has to sift through a lot of dross to find the pearls....however men like John Henri Clarke and Anta Diop in particular are NOT Afrocentrist...He and others have been adopted by certain groups with very narrow political views who engender the very thing they seek to overturn...Willie Lynch would have loved Afrocentrism for that very reason...that is why I don't take the Afrocentrist point of view and separate that point of view from the actual work of serious authors...

So I would highly recommend studying their work seriously before throwing the baby out with the bathwater so to speak

[edit on 25-6-2008 by realshanti]

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 04:01 AM

Originally posted by _Phoenix_

Yeah a lot of people have mixed blood, a lot of people wouldn't know just by looking at them.

I love looking at some actors heritage, it's sometimes suprising what you find out, for example that guy Wentworth Miller in prison break, check out how mixed he is lol!

African-American, Jamaican, German, English, Jewish, and Cherokee Native American Indian ancestry, Russian, French, Dutch, Lebanese and Syrian descent.

Now that's mixed!!

Wentworth Miller.

I myself look pretty white, I'm actually half Moroccan half british, but could pass as a white man. Green eyes and all. I have the same complexion as Wentworth Miller.
Moroccans can be quite light anyway, quite a few light skin, green eyes over there.

What all this says to me is, nothing is that black and white lol. We are all the same, it's just genetics.

I thought my post would get some of you to realise that it doesn't matter!?
Who knows what genetics black looking or white looking you know have!? It's just genetics.
I think mixed people like myself and that actor wentworth miller etc, really see both sides of the matter, and we see that it's simply genetics, it's just determines how you look, it doesn't make any difference to our humanity, we are ALL THE SAME RACE,the human race, we just look different.

2 of my cats are brothers, one is brown one is white, do they care!?? Come on?

When I look at obama I don't see black or white, I just see a human.

First black president? Who cares I say. A black president is still a human president, nothing new.

[edit on 25-6-2008 by _Phoenix_]

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by _Phoenix_

I think thats what we all are striving for be color blind
to be judged by the "content of our character"....history still has an important role in that process...

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 11:16 PM
Something like 25 percent of "blacks" in America can trace some part of their paternal heritage to a white male thanks to slavery...would you call him/her white because of this?

I didn't think so.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 03:55 AM
Lincoln was a member of the same small french subgroup as Elvis Presley. There are distinct racial features which become apparent if you see enough pictures of people from that genetic heritatge.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 09:30 AM
The reason why nobody knows this is because the media isn't even sure. If there were hard fact evidence, then you can be sure that it would be written down in our history books. But as it is not, then you can also be sure you haven't gotten a clue as to whats really going on. Black presidents? Sure. Why not? We've all got a mix of everything in us right? We all started out the same. Right?

Nice of you to point this out, I wasn't aware of so many African American descents were on our throne.

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