reply to post by jkrog08
Jkrog, you present an interesting point here. One that I have contemplated before.
It is my personal belief...(not up for dispute)...that our souls are eternal and move through each dimension with enlightenment. I believe there are
12 dimensions that correspond with musical octaves and this parallels heaven and hell so to speak, with "hell" being the lower dimensions and
realities and "heaven" being God and the highest dimension of oneness. I'll try to explain this as if it were fact for simplicity...keep in mind
it is only my particular opinion and may be wrong.
As you go up into dimensional levels, wavelength gets shorter, with higher and higher energy. As you go down in dimensional levels, the wavelength
gets longer and longer, with lower and lower energy, more and more dense. Think about a piano. There’s a space between the notes, so that when you
hit one note, there’s a defined place where the next note is. In this waveform universe, there is a very definite place where the next dimensional
level exists. It’s a specific wavelength relative to this one.
Musicians know that there are places between the notes called overtones. Between each step of the chromatic scale there are twelve major
Suppose each note in the chromatic scale as a circle, we have thirteen circles. Each circle represents a white or black key of the piano and the
shaded circle at the end would be the thirteenth note that begins the next octave. The black circle on the diagram represents the third dimension, our
known universe, and the fourth circle, the fourth dimension.
The twelve major overtones between any two notes, or dimensions, are a replica of the larger pattern. It’s holographic. Going off of that theory,
then between each overtone you’ll find another twelve overtones that replicate the whole pattern. It goes down and up literally forever. This is
called a geometrical progression, only in musical harmonics.
If you continue to study it, you’ll notice an octave between the walls. The black circle represents the third dimension; the shaded circle ends one
octave and begins the next.
Each of the unique musical scales that have been discovered produces a different octave of experience which in turn means more universes to explore.
Remember the number 144? Well I believe this is relevant to the dimensions and how the number 144 relates to other spiritual subjects.
This is because there are twelve notes in an octave and twelve overtones between each note; and 12 x 12 = 144 dimensional levels between each octave.
To be specific, there are 12 major dimensions and 132 minor dimensions within each octave (though in truth the progression goes on forever). This
diagram represents one octave. The thirteenth note repeats, then there’s another octave above that one. There’s an octave of universes below this
and an octave above, and it stretches on theoretically forever. So as big and as infinite as this universe seems (which is just an illusion anyway),
there are still an infinite number of other ways to express the our Reality, and each dimension is completely different from any other.
Between each whole-note universe and between each subspace or overtone universe, there is nothing—a void. The void between each dimension is called
the duat by Egyptians or a bardo by Tibetans.
Each time you pass from one dimension or overtone into the next, you pass through a void or blackness that’s in between. But certain voids are
“blacker” than others, and the blackest of these exist between the octaves. They’re more powerful than the voids that exist within an octave.
Please understand that I am using words that were created to fit this concept. This void that exists between octaves I will refer to as the Great
Void or the Wall.
It’s like a wall you have to pass through to get to a higher octave. Who knows, maybe "God" put these voids there for a certain reason.
All of these dimensions are superimposed over each other, and every point in space/time contains them all. The doorway to any of them is anywhere.
That makes it convenient because you don’t have to go looking for it, you just have to know how to access it.