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The Official BTS Mini-Rant Thread.

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posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 02:55 PM
This thread is here for us all to vent our mini-frustrations for those times when we want to release some stress but don't feel as if our rants merit their own thread. As easily irritated as I am, please bear with me if I respond to this every day for as long as my membership lasts on ATS. I don't blog so this is my only outlet. Please feel free to entertain yourselves along with me.

Mini-Rant: Why does my household of all males (with the obvious exception of myself) feel the need to trash every room in the house right after I clean it? I told my husband I don't follow him around with a water hose and bag of Miracle Grow when he mows the lawn so quit trashing things I clean.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 03:08 PM
Mini-rant: When you are in a public restroom and it is locked. Your sitting on the pot and then the door knob frantically jiggles, then the door wiggles back and forth.

When I check the door I turn the handle and if it doesn't turn then it is locked hence someone is inside. Why do most people wiggle the handle and door like they are trying to break in. Are they so slow and stupid that it takes them this long to realize it's locked and being occupied? :bnghd:

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by AshleyD

I know what you mean.
Underwear on the floor and pee on the toilet.......
Dishes piled in the sink by my husband who thinks he's helping, but, I still love them....

I get my boys to help me with laundry, but I would be scared for their health if I made them clean toilets.

What irks me is people who let their teenagers(12-16) run wild in my neighborhood, when they're already on probation and in 'special' programs at school.
One of them( a 12 year old) threatened a nice, older lady next door to 'knock her head off'.
He doesn't know about her cane having a long blade in it.

Where are the parents?

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 03:28 PM
Why do people go to any store and stand in the way of through traffic? I see it all the time. It's a public place, and not your little hang out. If you need to stop and talk about a purchase with your family, then stand to side. Also, don't walk side to side you inconsiderate twits.

perhaps, I will walk directly towards you, forcing you to move, instead of I walking around you. Next time you stop and talk in the middle of the isle, maybe I will walk up and join your group. Facetiously listening in and letting my frustration known about the obvious vaunting going on.


posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by MrMysticism

LMAO! Yes that is very frustrating! True Story: I was a flight attendant up until I had my son a little over four year ago. I was on an overseas assignment so apparently one passenger didn't understand the English word 'occupied.' I was just finishing up washing my hands when the door started jiggling. I said something like, 'Just a moment, please.' The next thing I know he took the whole damn door off at the hinges! Come on, people!

reply to post by Clearskies

CS! So good to see you again! I haven't seen you in ages.

Ok, the floor is opened for everyone else. I just wanted to take a moment to respond to those two comments.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 05:07 PM
Mini Rant: Why do men wear black socks in the summer? Do they not realize how stupid they look. If any of you ATS/BTS men thinks that it is ok to wear black socks and tennis shoes when you have shorts on...I'TS NOT. I'm only trying to help.

(alway caring) Rush

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 06:20 PM
Sometimes I purposely make myself look awkward. Nerdy/normal is the new punk. Hell, you can go and buy punkish looking clothing at the stores. I made all my stuff.

I wear black socks, but not with shorts, maybe i will, with sandals

*evil laughter*

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 06:20 PM

Why when ever I start to listen to stairway to heaven. Something always has to come up where I have to get up and stop listening.
Like a phone call, some one comes to my door, ect,ect,ect.
Its so wierd because this has happened to me like 20 times like its cursed or something.. It doesnt happen everytime but its still annoying.

Well theres my mini rant.:bnghd::bnghd:

[edit on 21-6-2008 by 5ealchris]

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by 5ealchris
Why when ever I start to listen to stairway to heaven. Something always has to come up where I have to get up and stop listening.

Same thing happens to me when I try to listen to "American Pie".


posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 06:28 PM
[Engage mini-rant]
Why the bleep does every computer repair that I attempt take a lot longer and is a
lot harder to get fixed than I figured it to be? Simple things take long times. Difficult things take an abysmally long time. And don't get me started on the difficult ones!!


[/Disengage Mini-rant]

edited for spelling

[edit on 21-6-2008 by Deson]

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by AshleyD

Mini-Rant: Why does my household of all males (with the obvious exception of myself) feel the need to trash every room in the house right after I clean it? I told my husband I don't follow him around with a water hose and bag of Miracle Grow when he mows the lawn so quit trashing things I clean.

Thank you for making me laugh. I loved that. I read it too my husband who also laughed.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by hsur2112
Mini Rant: Why do men wear black socks in the summer? Do they not realize how stupid they look. If any of you ATS/BTS men thinks that it is ok to wear black socks and tennis shoes when you have shorts on...I'TS NOT. I'm only trying to help.

(alway caring) Rush

Thank goodness I wear white socks .... with sandals. (whew)

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by Deson
Thank goodness I wear white socks .... with sandals. (whew)

Hmmm, white socks WITH sandels? How about just sandels...or white socks with tennis shoes? HEHE

(fashionable) Rush

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by hsur2112
Hmmm, white socks WITH sandels? How about just sandels...or white socks with tennis shoes? HEHE
(fashionable) Rush

Well, it's the most physically cool thing that I have and the VA rules here state that I have to wear socks with sandals. Besides my Tennis shoes trap in too much heat (blasted things don't breath). Besides, fashion is something that I almost totally ignore. I mean my favorite thing to wear is Tie Dye.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 10:58 PM
Ohh My mini-rant (I have a feeling I'll be frequenting this thread) this happend to me today actually...what a wonderful start to the work day.

When you're running late for work (which is 20 minutes away), and half way down your street, the gas light comes get out of the car, and decide to take the other car sitting in the driveway, only to find that the gaslight is also on. Now you have exactly 19 minutes and 06 seconds to get to work - 20 minutes is betting on the fact that it will all be green lights - YEAH RIGHT.

So upon getting back into your car, and driving to the gas station, you decide that paying at the pump is probably going to be less hassle then going into the Gas Station, since the girl who's working, has served you before - and you know she is slow.

After ten minutes of trying to get the Pump to read your debit card, you decide to walk in to the **** gas station and just pay for the gas that way. Only to find that there is a lineup of 5 people, and that cashier is the only one on. Perfect. 9 minutes to get to work.

So, while abiding by the speed limit, and still trying to will the red lights to turn green (they don't just so you know, i know, I tried) you recieve a phone call from work - "Hey, just wanted to know if you were coming in today, or maybe I read the schedule wrong?" Nothing like that Condescending *person* from work to call you up and add the Cherry to your already wonderful start off to the work day - and the best part?

You hate her. She hates you. Its a mutual hate relationship. You don't talk about it, its unspoken. You both just know it. And you know she's only doing it to make you look bad, because really, you still have 4 minutes left to make it to work, and 15km/s to go...nothing like THAT kind of start to a day to make you want to strangle the first poor soul who even THINKS about mentioning the fact to you that you are late - as IF you didn't know.

Have a lovely day!

- Carrot

[edit on 6/21/2008 by CA_Orot]

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by hsur2112

I agree....also it irks me when people wear shorts and a jacket.....WHY?!

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 03:22 AM
A little bit different set of realization came for me after I shaved ALL my hair of, except the thing in my head. People are always swetty and complain about heat in the summer, yet they do not do the obvious from places where most of the heat dissipates anyway.

So, no hair anywhere means no too hot weather because heat does dissipate after such a thing.

No, I am not a female. My girlfriend shaves too, now I understand why women do it. Not because of men, no, but because of themselves.

And now I have to live with that knowledge. Dammit :-)

[edit on 22/6/08 by rawsom]

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 04:36 AM
i'm gonna go with a theory - if i don't complain, the land of milk and honey will unveil itself. so no complaints here! wandering in the desert is nice but i really like water and trees and ya know, milk and honey.

[edit on 22-6-2008 by undo]

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by Mad_Hatter

if we're going to talk about peoples' clothing accessories . . . what's with people who purposely don't take the tags and stickers off their hats and shoes? :shk:

[edit on 6/22/2008 by JPhish]

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by Mad_Hatter
I agree....also it irks me when people wear shorts and a jacket.....WHY?!

(holding head down in shame) I'm sometimes guilty of that and here's why...I'm cold, all the time. I grew up with no central air in our house so I can pretty much get by without it unless it's really hot. My husband keeps the house so flippin cold, it borders ridiculous. So I go outside and feel all fine then come in and BAM, it's like walking into a freezer. Same for the grocery stores, etc. Me guilty.

Originally posted by Deson
I mean my favorite thing to wear is Tie Dye.

Hey D, tie dye is always cool.

And new mini rant: Why don't people check the backs of their clothes for those hairs that detach after blow drying and styling. Gross



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