reply to post by awakened sleeper
Hi Awakened Sleeper,
This is just my opinion on the 11:11 or 111111 theory and I have pondered on the subject of time alot but not on the 11:11 theory until just now.
I believe that we are bound to earth as mortal beings by time:
Bound because time brings death and time brings birth without time we could not have birth and we would not die. Birth because birth brings a begining
and death because death brings an ending to one's life or existence.
We needed time all of us so we could learn and grow, time to learn and grow which enabled us to multiply in birth which also must require death, Time
and space which brings our virtual reality of where we live and the space around us which is nothing more than a container and spec in comparsion to
infinity or eternity.
Time is based on a numerical imbalance , I believe that 11111111 means infinity, equality and continues forever keeping an equation balanced there
is no number above 1 lesser or equal in such an equation as 111111111111.
If you are counting 12345678910--100-1000-2000 you are always reaching inequality through numbers that are lesser or greater than. But if you run
11111111 it brings equality to an equation and continues forever.
1111111 can also represent us, each soul is 1 and not greater than or less than another 1 or person but equal and we are all one with another or the
same as in 1111111111111111111.
00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Representing infinity as well. Circles, zeros or halos. Equivalent to spirals of infinity.
An equal number that can run forever.
If the world was too absolutely dis-attach themselves to time meaning there is no set schedule anymore and let's say we threw away our calendars and
clocks and they just didn't exist anymore nobody kept track of time or even had a way to, what do we think would happen?
Someday I believe this will be the case, we will not keep track or even think about what day it is or what time it is because there will be no greater
day than 1 day because all will be like ONE. 111111
There will be no time because we will be in a new existence or dimensional reality where time does not exist therefore we don't even think about it
and everything is like 11111111 the same.
1 One day what is today? 11111111111111111111 is today and always today and forever. Something like that.
Who are we 1111111111111111, we are all the same or equal and one with another. Nobody greater or lesser than another.
11111 to me equals infinity and equality.
One-1 with the universe, eternity and all things perhaps.
Just a few thoughts!
Kindest Regards!
[edit on 22-6-2008 by ET_CONTACT]
[edit on 22-6-2008 by ET_CONTACT]