posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 06:10 AM
In many abductions, abductees often report different species of aliens, usually two, maybe one more short and stockier, one taller and thinner.
Usually, abductions by these guys are more friendly than hostile. Some report them being nice, even protective. BUT there are
abductions/sightings/incidents where the Extra Terrestrials seem malicious, even evil. These often seem to be different species then the nice guys.
Also, different races than the nice guys seem to be responsible for cattle mutilations. Further more, supposed "space battles" have been witnessed.
This suggests rivalries, or even genocide/xenophobia among them. Who knows, maybe one side will try to anhilliate the us, and the opposition will jump
in to defend us, or what? there are so many possibilities because we do not have enough information to really tell the truth. What do you
Notitia est Potestas; Denego Ignarus.