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The True Story of the Bilderberg Group : Daniel Estulin

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posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 03:04 AM
I found this interesting link while reading a book.

The book I was reading is The True Story of the Bilderberg Group written by Daniel Estulin who is a Russian born author.

Daniel Estulin : YouTube

His book talks about the Bilderberg Group that just met June 6th through June 8th in Chantilly, Virginia at the Westfields Marriot Hotel, and no one knew about it, as they withold the meeting place location until a week before the actual event. He talks about the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission as well as how American politicians meet with foreign powers and power brokers, breaking the Logan Act which is an American law forbidding these politicians of ours from meeting in secret with with foreign Governments for negotiation purposes.

It's odd, how if you look around ATS and you can find the list of this year's attendees, you will find Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller as well as Condoleeza Rice, three very well known and prominent American's attended this secret meeting of the Bilderberg Group.

It's odd how a law like the Logan Act has never had a single conviction in over 200 years, isn't it?

Bilderberg 2008

Pictures of the Chantilly Virginia meeting. You'll see a picture or two of Alex Jones in there as well :

Bilderberg Meet In 2008

History Channel : Bilderberg on YouTube

Things that make you think, may make you mad, and being mad is better than being apathetic.

[edit on 21-6-2008 by DontTreadOnMe]

[edit on 21-6-2008 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

I found this interesting link while reading a book.

Yes, that site is a legend to conspiracy aficionados. The site is run by Tony Gosling in the UK; it is humongous, with many thousands of pages. It has more info on the Bilderberg than anyone on the planet. He has snapshots of the attendees of the various meetings dating back to the 80s, and also has the most complete lists of members for each year. If it wasn't for Gosling and Jim Tucker (and his former mag, the Spotlight) in the US, the world would be oblivious to the Bilderberg Group - even that they exist at all. Gosling's site is a shining example of why we need the internet.

breaking the Logan Act which is an American law forbidding these politicians of ours from meeting in secret with with foreign Governments for negotiation purposes. ...It's odd how a law like the Logan Act has never had a single conviction in over 200 years, isn't it?

Yes, it is odd. As far as the Bilderberg meetings every year, it does seem like a cut-and-dry case. The Logan Act seems to have been put in place for situations that conform to exactly what occurs at Bilderberg; when government officials attend these meetings, they cavort and come to agreements with foreign agents, multinational business representatives, in secret and without public accountability or scrutiny. If I had the power to enforce the Act, I would send in the storm troopers and bust the next confab: put them all in jail and parade them before the press.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 07:39 AM
From what Daniel Estulin states in his book, Watergate was more of a case of the cartoon movie "Who Framed Roget Rabbit" because Nixon disagreed with GATT, or General Agreement on Tarriff's and Trade which supposedly infuriated Henry Kissinger.

Apparently according to Estulin the Bilderberger's are mortified of an informed public and the possibility that they might become an organized resistance against their goals and wishes.

Good, as they should be. Let's keep them hiding in their secret meetings, it keeps them off balance, and if they're going to hide their existence, that only means one thing here, they know the entire world would not agree with their goals and agendas.

Their Agenda in paraphrasing through My word from Estulin's book

    A) One International Body - Destorying all national identity through subversion within. Basically one set of values, no others will be able to flourish.

    B) Centralized Control of the People - Utilitizing mind control, they intend on doing away with middle class, only rulers and servants.

    C) Zero-Growth Society - Destroying prosperitym which deletes progress through implementation of repression. Exporting all Canadian and American industry to Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, and Nicaragua, where slave labor is cheap. NAFTA will be in full swing by this time, and their devious plans behind it as well.

    D) A State of Perpetual Imbalance - Artficially manufacturing all crises, keeping society under a constant state of mental duress, physically, mentally, and emotionally. This would keep people contntinually demoralized as well as confused, making apathy sink in fully.

    Basically said, they intend to create and maintain a constant state of depression on a large scale. Think global.

    E) Centralized Control of Education - Sterlizing the world's true past. Doing away altogether with individual liberties and freedoms.

    F) Centralized Control of All Foreign and Domestic Policies - Through total world consensus, every decision will be made under a One World Government thought process, streamlining all rules and regulations.

    G) Empowerment of the United Nations - By taking the basic groundwork that is already in place with the U.N., basically that it is a template of their designs, there will be a U.N./World Tax.

    H) Western Trading Bloc - By expanding NAFTA into South America, essentially making a SAFTA, there will become an "American Union" similar to the European Union.

    I) Expansion of NATO - NATO becoming the U.N.'s "World Army"

    J) One Legal System - The International Court of Justice is to become the sole legal system.

    K) One Socialist Welfare State - Envisioining a socialist welfare state, where slaves will be rewraded, while non-conformists will be targeted for extermination.

Gee, sounds so lovely, doesn't it?

Sure as Hell sounds a lot like Naziism mixed with Communism to Me.

[edit on 21-6-2008 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 08:17 AM
Sounds alot like a monarchy or a dictatorship to me
all I know if some needs there email fixed they better be dumping a lot of cred's on my chip
they probably already started chipping people
some people without them knowing it.
If you were to do a psychiatric evaluation of multi-national corporation you
would come to the conclusion that it was a sociopath.

[edit on 21-6-2008 by The Utopian Penguin]

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 09:29 AM
Gosling's site is a nightmare to navigate though. So here are good places to start:

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 09:34 AM
Here's a link to a social-psychological analysis of torture by the state.$File/irrc_857_Kelman.pdf

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by Fire_In_The_Minds_of_Men

I'd have to agree with that. It can be a heck of a site to find your way around on but the information in there is amazing. I've been reading that site almost as long as I have been on ATS.

As a side note Fire, Ole Frank MacKenna spoke at a Atlantic Gateway conference just a couple of days after this years meeting. Extolling the virtues of the concept and all the "benefits" that it would bring to Eastern Canada. I wonder if that's part of his mandate through the Bilderbergers for the next year.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by GAOTU789

Hmm... funny you mention Frank Mckenna. Last Christmas I bought my parents a DVD player and the last two movies by Alex Jones. By watching End Game my father was first exposed to the Bilderberg Group. I told him that Mckenna has been attending the meetings for quite some time now. He refuses to disparage the man, and just made up excuses for him.

Isn't there some kind of think tank called the Atlantic Council or the Atlantic Institute or something, that has ties to the Bilderberg. In the few scholarly mentions of the Bilderbergers in print, as well, the academics always seem to bring up a scheme called Atlanticism.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 10:25 AM
You mean the Atlantic Institute of Market Studies, our East Coast brother of the Fraser Institute, and there whole concept of Atlantica?

There former president, who is now one of Harper's top policy advisor's was a attendee for two years before they started the whole public push on Atlantica. His name escapes me at the moment but I have it here somewhere. Tony, Tom or something, I'm just drawing a blank at the moment.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by GAOTU789
You mean the Atlantic Institute of Market Studies, our East Coast brother of the Fraser Institute, and there whole concept of Atlantica?

Ya, that's it. Tied into the whole North American Union cabal. I remember one story in my local paper about one meeting that they had; and that was it.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 10:45 AM
Wow, thanks guys for all the awesome information on the Bilderberger Group.

I have to say when I first looked the the website I originally posted, it does seem a nightmare just to look at, let alone navigate. I will more than likely post a lot of direct links into this thread, in some semblance of order.

I did start talking about the Bilderberger's global agenda elsewhere on ATS.

Bilderberger : The Global Agenda, Eugenics, Global Warming, And Biochiping Sheeple

I also defined sheeple on TinWiki ATS's Wikipedia, thinking along the lines of what the Bilderberger Group desires, willingly stupid sheep, as human pets, to obey and be subservient.

I've got a salute for the Bilderberger Group, and it only involves one finger.

[edit on 21-6-2008 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by Fire_In_The_Minds_of_Men

It was interesting until he began on Freemasonry.

Andrew Palmer .. was the "personal assistant"
What ever that means, to the "World Top Freemason" ... What ever that means.. and head of "World Freemasonry"

I find the rest interesting .. but if hes THAT WRONG about how Freemasonry even works .. well .. I thus have to question how right he is on all his other information.

For the time being, no credibility with me.

I still don't trust Bilderberger's though .. just wish there was information out there that didn't try and create this massive web to bringing every single conspiracy you could imagine .. *sigh*

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 11:29 AM
With all this information available, there are still those who dismiss all this as 'fantasy'.

Imo, Inter/Intra-National events unfold just as they are designed to.

This law here, that Executive order there, an obscure International Treaty way over there, and before you know it, by the time we realize what's happened, we may have a real hard time extricating ourselves from this.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by Rockpuck

RockPuck, I know you and I trade comments and funny insults in chat, but don't you think maybe, just possibly, that your Masonic defending here might be a biased opinion, since your avatar professes that you're a 32 degree Mason?

Are you in actuality a 32 degree Mason, or is that just a part of your avatar?

Just a curious question for you.

I personally have moved on past the Mason's as a hated enemy of Mine, but only because I see a bigger, uglier, nastier enemy in the Bilderberger's.

Some people, not necessarily Me, see the Bilderberger's as Mason's on steroids.

Globally dominating idiots, Hell bent on only one way of thinking.

Life is about a balance, or it should be.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 12:12 PM

RockPuck, I know you and I trade comments and funny insults in chat, but don't you think maybe, just possibly, that your Masonic defending here might be a biased opinion, since your avatar professes that you're a 32 degree Mason?

No, it is not "biased". Bias would assume that I know something that I otherwise would ignore, and continue to support said institution even facing the fact that I know something else, or there even being the slightest possibility that it where to be true.

I am "informed" as I belong to the institution, partake in the political process and can assure you Masonry has no "world government". We have world recognition of other Grand Lodges, but all Grand Lodges are independent.. the notion of "recognition" simply aims to keep a "standard" of what Masonry is and how its practiced.

Are you in actuality a 32 degree Mason, or is that just a part of your avatar?

I am a Master Mason. I also happen to have gone through the Scottish Rite, Northern Jurisdiction in the US and attained my 32º.

I personally have moved on past the Mason's as a hated enemy of Mine, but only because I see a bigger, uglier, nastier enemy in the Bilderberger's.

Indeed ... if only more people moved past petty ignorance and bigotry, perhaps .. just perhaps, something could be done.

Some people, not necessarily Me, see the Bilderberger's as Mason's on steroids.

Only those who do not understand the dynamics of Power.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
For the time being, no credibility with me.

Funny, because Gosling wouldn't want any cred from a Freemason anyway. No offense.

He's about as conservative as they come. Way into the Bible and end times, and feels that the Antichrist necessarily would have to be thrust into power through the machinations of secret societies like the Illuminati or Freemasonry. He just happens to have been caught up in the whole Bilderberg thing because there was a real need for precise reporting - even just to warn the public that they're REAL. And if there's a group of people that can be identified as being the real rulers of the world, the Bilderbergers are the only game in town; nothing else fits so perfectly. A quick perusal of the members who've been attending will confirm.

Over the years I've learned to sift the wheat from the shaft (not the people; the info). You really need to elevate it to an art form when dealing with conspiracy theories. Nobody's perfect. Everyone has their quirks, and prejudices.

Estulin, though, is probably more up your alley. (But Gosling's site will always have the most info on Bilderberg) He's an attack dog who has his sights on one thing; and he's good at what he does. His reports for the Online Journal have become classics, and are what made him in conspiracy circles. The world in the palm of their hands: Bilderberg 2005, Part I | The world in the palm of their hands: Bilderberg 2005, Part II. The only gripe I have with his "ideology" - that is, when he lets it slip once in a while - is that he's an adherent of Peak Oil. He got infected, I assume, from being a longtime subscriber of Mike Ruppert's newsletters at From The Wilderness. The whole "population control" agenda is too close to the hearts of Peak Oilers for my taste. Ruppert and his Peak Oil-cult are still promoting their views, with much success, especially on the Left. The End of Suburbia documentary is a Peak Oil vehicle, and Ruppert appears in it as well.

[edit on 21-6-2008 by Fire_In_The_Minds_of_Men]

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 12:42 PM
I wonder if part of these peoples recent meetings had any discussion of the internet and how it is starting to expose their agendas of keeping us all in servitude to them? I wonder what the aftermath of these latest secret meetings, deciding all of our fates, was? It is quite alarming that these people have control over 98% of the populace, and it becomes evident that they certainly have nobodies best interests in mind but their own. It gives me a sickening feeling deep down in the pit of my stomach...

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 12:42 PM
I don't see how any one coud dismiss any of this as fantasy, when there is documented evidence avialable from the first meeting, and it gets media attention like the G8 summits.

It's just strange how people can't see the fact their is an international "human" influence on global economy, but try and say there is an intergalactic "alien" influence of 100% certaincy.

Come on, it's time to face the facts and stop being disillusioned, the self propagating ignorance must end.

The world has always sought to be ruled by an elite group since w a y before even Alexander or Khan, every cycle of nations has these power groups. It is no secret, and is of our own demise.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 02:46 PM
Although I despise even the idea of a group like this, one of the founders was Dennis Healey, and he is a very well respected politician, and a member of the labour party - at the time it was much more socialist than it is now, which sits wrong with the idea of the bilderberg group.

Having said that, I don't trust ANY politician, so it kind of makes my point moot.

Wiki info on Healey

However, there's nothing to say that the aims of the group haven't changed since it's conception.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 08:46 PM
Yes, I take from the book of "never ever trust a politician" and will do so for as long as I live. These are the people who are supposed to protect us from the very crap they are committing against us.

They are supposed to protect us, but instead are acting in the predatory manner, and preying upon our willingness to trust them, and they are doing it for financial as well as power gain.

Kind of like a status gain mixed with money. It's sick and twisted to say the least.

The sad thing for Myself is a lot of people tell Me I'd make a great politician.

I almost punched the first person to tell Me that out cold.

I said to them they must not like Me.

It's now become a running joke, because I choose My words so carefully so as to not offend someone, which is where their compliment comes from, as well as I understand fully how these idiots in the Bilderberger's think, because I've been learning about world government and world politics since I was six years old.

[edit on 21-6-2008 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

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